Hi, I'm Mehedi Hasan 👋
Software Developer & Programmer || Founder & CEO at MsITXpress
Software Engineer at Sasthya Seba Limited
Sr. Software Engineer & Programmer at Excellent-Soft
Laravel | Flutter | React | Backend Engineer
Alhamdulillah For Everything!
Passionate and self-taught Software Engineer, known as "Programmer Hasan" with over 5 years of immersive experience in the tech industry. My journey commenced with an insatiable curiosity for technology, evolving into a fulfilling career marked by continuous learning and leadership.
Full-Stack Web, Mobile, Desktop Applications Developer & Programmer, Graphic Designer. I have been a very successful web & mobile & windows (.net) developer for over 5 years, working for individuals and companies in Bangladesh mostly. There was a struggle when I started, but that didn't last very long, Alhamdulillah. I have no CSE certificate! Non-CSE. Yes! Experienced with all stages of the development cycle for dynamic projects. Since I have started Web and Android app development, I have been spending every spare minute writing code for the Web & Mobile and learning everything on mobile application development. I have also adapted cross-platform Mobile Application Development with Flutter and also Successfully Completed a Government Application Development for iOS and Android using Flutter, Laravel, and Amazon Web Services. I have a primary Job in an IT Farm where I develop a wide range of Applications day-to-day basis like Airport Protocol, Bangladesh Biman Cabin Crew Union, Biman Parts-Management, Employee Tracking System, Flight Management System, Biman Flying Hour, Biman Manual, CAAB-Pass, Biman Duty Roster, Biman Special Care, Employee Document, Captain Logs, Biman Budget, Applications for Biman Bangladesh Airlines Users and System Administration mostly develop Applications for Biman Bangladesh Airlines and Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport. Additionally, to the development of new apps, a lot of the work I do is the ongoing maintenance of existing popular apps.
Moreover, I'm a trainer since the beginning I'm trying to give helpful It related educational information to the irrespective of all ages people. Actually, I am lover of Technology. For the last 7 years, I have been in the virtual online world.I can't think a single minute without coding and programming. I know nothing but I know not little. So, Coding and Programming are everything in my life because I get pleasure in those. I’m not a great software developer and programmer,I’m just a good software developer and programmer with great habits. I don’t know anything but i know a lot. I’m thirsty for learn more code. I have learned a lot from workplaces, I have never stopped learning. I am still learning and trying to discover and learn new things.......
I have successfully deployed 50+ mobile applications and web management software. Due to privacy reasons and the sheer volume of projects, it’s not feasible to list them all. However, I’m proud to showcase some of the most impactful projects that have made significant contributions to Biman Bangladesh Airlines and various other industries. These projects have been developed to meet rigorous standards for security, performance, and scalability under demanding operational environments.
Notable projects include:--------------------------------
* Biman Sale Promotion
* Biman Special Care
* BBCCU (Biman Bangladesh Cabin Crew Union)
* Captain Logs
* Biman Parts Management
* Biman Duty Roster
* Uttara-Square
* Biman Budget Management
* Islamic Apps - Engineer Moinul Hossain
* Islamic Apps - MsITXpress
* SasthyaSeba.Com
* Biman CAAB - Pass
* AlQuranBangladesh.Com
* 27Hours Learning Quran
* Probashi Bangali
* Biman Employee
* Airport Protocol
* Biman Manual
* Biman Flying Hour
* AlQuranBd.Org
* CAAB-Pass
* Biman Duty Roster
Thanks for reading!
Jazāk Allāhu Khayran (جزاك اللهُ خيرًا)
Wa angtum fa jazakallahu khoiron.
- Search on Google : Who is ProgrammerHasan OR ProgrammerHasan,
- ProgrammerHasan.com, MehediHasan.dev
- Programmer.MehediHasan.dev
- g.dev/ProgrammerHasan 📹 ✍🏾
- Programmer Hasan App
Here are some ideas to get you started:
- 🔭 I’m currently working on Sasthya Seba Limited, Excellent-Soft.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning java, python, nodejs
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Youtube.
- 🤔 I’m looking for help with ...
- 💬 Ask me about django, laravel, nodejs, flutter, cyber security or any tech related stuff .
- 📫 How to reach me: Twitter - @mehedihasan_04 , Youtube - @msitxpress
- 😄 Pronouns: He/His
- ⚡ Fun fact: ... -->
class ProgrammerHasan():
def __init__(self):
self.name = "Programmer Hasan";
self.username = "ProgrammerHasan";
self.location = "Brahmanbaria, Bangladesh";
self.linkedin = "@ProgrammerHasan";
self.facebook = "@ProgrammerHasan.s";
self.web = "https://mehedihasan.dev";
def __str__(self):
return self.name
if __name__ == '__main__':
me = ProgrammerHasan()