This is the code from the papers: - YOLACT: Real-time Instance Segmentation
I have used and updated the code from
This repo will help you detect and segment the instances of the cars:
Clone this repository
git clone cd yolact
Create Anaconda environment:
conda create -n yolact
Run the below command and wait untill the envionment is created:
conda create -n yolact conda activate yolact
Run the below command and wait untill the envionment is created:
conda env create -f environment.yml
Tasks 1:
Yolact Inference
- a) Output images with detected classes marked on images
python --cuda=True --trained_model=weights/yolact_im700_54_800000.pth --score_threshold=0.15 --top_k=100 --display_only_car=False --image=crowd2.jpg --cross_class_nms=True --display_best_bboxes_only=True --display_bboxes=True --display_text=True --display_best_masks_only=False --display_masks=True --cross_class_nms=True
b) Supported YOLACT backbones:
- I have only used Resnet101-FPN as a backone but you can change it by changing the weights of the model
- Download Resnet101-FPN ----------[yolact_im700_54_800000.pth]( usp=sharing)
- To evalute the model, put the corresponding weights file in the weights directory and change the name accordingly to the "--trained_model argument"
- I have only used Resnet101-FPN as a backone but you can change it by changing the weights of the model
c) Inference triggering only for car classes and marking only this class on each image
- I have added the below code snippet to file
# only for car class if display_only_car == 'True': for i in range(cur_scores.shape[0]): if i != 2: cur_scores[i] *= 0
If you want to detect only cars just change the "display_only_car" args to True i-e run the below command:
python --cuda=True --trained_model=weights/yolact_im700_54_800000.pth --score_threshold=0.15 --top_k=100 --display_only_car=True --image=crowd2.jpg --cross_class_nms=True --display_best_bboxes_only=True --display_bboxes=True --display_text=True --display_best_masks_only=False --display_masks=True --cross_class_nms=True
- a) Output images with detected classes marked on images
Tasks 2:
Masked output:
a) Output should be masked image/s with only car object on it (if there is any) with rest of image content deleted (png format with transparency around focus object)
- I have added the below code snippet to file
if args.display_masks and cfg.eval_mask_branch and num_dets_to_consider > 0: masks = masks[:num_dets_to_consider, :, :, None] colors =[get_color(j, on_gpu=img_gpu.device.index).view(1, 1, 1, 3) for j in range(num_dets_to_consider)], dim=0) masks_color = masks.repeat(1, 1, 1, 3) * colors * mask_alpha inv_alph_masks = masks * (-mask_alpha) + 1 masks_color_summand = masks_color[0] if num_dets_to_consider > 1: inv_alph_cumul = inv_alph_masks[:(num_dets_to_consider-1)].cumprod(dim=0) masks_color_cumul = masks_color[1:] * inv_alph_cumul masks_color_summand += masks_color_cumul.sum(dim=0) img_gpu = img_gpu * + masks_color_summand img_numpy_mask = (masks_color_summand * 255).byte().cpu().numpy() cv2.imwrite('results/mask_car_image.jpg', img_numpy_mask) print("Mask for all visible car is generated")
- Use the below command to reproduce the results:
python --cuda=True --trained_model=weights/yolact_im700_54_800000.pth --score_threshold=0.15 --top_k=100 --display_only_car=True --image=crowd2.jpg --cross_class_nms=True --display_best_bboxes_only=False --display_bboxes=False --display_text=False --display_best_masks_only=False --display_masks=True
b) If there are multiple cars on the image choose only most dominant one.
- I have added the below code snippet to file
if args.display_best_masks_only == True and args.top_k == 1: masks = masks[:num_dets_to_consider, :, :, None] num_dets_to_consider = min(args.top_k, classes.shape[0]) print('maskshape', (masks.shape)) for i in range(num_dets_to_consider): msk = masks[i, :, :, None] mask = msk.view(1, masks.shape[1], masks.shape[2], 1) print('newmaskshape', (mask.shape)) img_gpu_masked = img_gpu * (mask.sum(dim=0) >= 1).float().expand(-1, -1, 3) img_numpy_masked = (img_gpu_masked * 255).byte().cpu().numpy() cv2.imwrite('results/mask_image'+str(i)+'.jpg', img_numpy_masked) print("Mask for the most visible car is generated")
- Use the below command to reproduce the results:
python --cuda=True --trained_model=weights/yolact_im700_54_800000.pth --score_threshold=0.15 --top_k=1 --display_only_car=True --image=crowd2.jpg --cross_class_nms=True --display_best_bboxes_only=False --display_bboxes=False --display_text=False --display_best_masks_only=True --display_masks=True
c) Output should be also cut out up to bounding box of the focus object
- I have added the below code snippet to file
if args.display_best_bboxes_only == 'True': crop = img_numpy[y1:y2,x1:x2] cv2.imwrite('results/crop_object.png',crop) print("crop for the most visible car is generated")
- Use the below command to reproduce the results:
python --cuda=True --trained_model=weights/yolact_im700_54_800000.pth --score_threshold=0.15 --top_k=1 --display_only_car=True --image=crowd2.jpg --cross_class_nms=True --display_best_bboxes_only=True --display_bboxes=True --display_text=False --display_best_masks_only=False --display_masks=True
Task 3
- YOLACT inference triggered using API endpoint by utilizing FastAPI
Currently, I dont not have enough knowledge about FastAPI client server architecture but I have made file for yolact inference. In I am taking arguments directly (Hard coded). Later i will add code to take input of image and arguments from the web and post the output back to the web and will deploy it using Heroku or AWS.
To run just run the below code.
uvicorn api:app --reload
- YOLACT inference triggered using API endpoint by utilizing FastAPI
Task 4
- Dockerize:
- Due to lack of resources I am not able to build docker image for the current setup. I am using windows 10 laptop without GPU. ALl the yolact code is edited on my university server but I do not have Sudo access for docker installation.
- I can assure you if I can get proper resources i can build the image and then deploy it to docker hub for later use.
- I have made the Dockerfile which might work properly. Feel free to have a look at it. There might be some errors in it because I am not able to build it due to lack of computing power and resources.
- Dockerize: