In the most chat apps there are singular one to one chatting happens. So the problem arises :
- If two person speaks different language then chatting between them becomes hard.
- If a person wants to comunicate with a different lingual person, It becomes hard without any translator between them.
- User Authentication (Login and Logout)
- Add users via their email
- User can choose which language preferred by him.
- User can send messages in his preferred language.
- User will also receive messages at his own preferred language. ( No matter which language the other user chats)
- Frontend : react js, tailwind css, daisy ui
- Backend : FastAPI
- Database : MongoDb
- Live Website Link :
- Live Api Link:
- API repo : Chatlingo Backend
❌ Limitations:
While chatlingo offers benefits, there are certain limitations to be aware of which will be fixed:
- integration
- Dedicated user profile
- UI improvement
- Voice translation
- Image, video upload