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Prison support troubleshoot autosell: Added a new feature to help ide…
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…ntify why autosell may not be working.

This new command also provides a lot more information about what the individual features do, and how they work.
It also provides additional information on features related to sellall that the users may not understand or are aware of,
these features may help provide understanding on how to fix issues they may have with other plugins.
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rbluer committed Jun 5, 2024
1 parent 76fdd51 commit e5a9d09
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These change logs represent the work that has been going on within prison.

# 3.3.0-alpha.18a 2024-06-02
# 3.3.0-alpha.18a 2024-06-05

* **Prison support troubleshoot autosell: Added a new feature to help identify why autosell may not be working.**
This new command also provides a lot more information about what the individual features do, and how they work.
It also provides additional information on features related to sellall that the users may not understand or are aware of,
these features may help provide understanding on how to fix issues they may have with other plugins.

* **Rankups: Change how rankups are working by default. They no longer require perms, but within the 'plugis/Prison/config.yml' they can be enabled.**
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@@ -1,10 +1,19 @@
package tech.mcprison.prison.spigot;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration;

import tech.mcprison.prison.Prison;
import tech.mcprison.prison.autofeatures.AutoFeaturesWrapper;
import tech.mcprison.prison.autofeatures.AutoFeaturesFileConfig.AutoFeatures;
import tech.mcprison.prison.commands.Command;
import tech.mcprison.prison.internal.CommandSender;
import tech.mcprison.prison.output.Output;
import tech.mcprison.prison.sellall.PrisonSellall;
import tech.mcprison.prison.spigot.customblock.PrisonItemsAdder;
import tech.mcprison.prison.spigot.sellall.SellAllUtil;

public class SpigotCommand {

Expand All @@ -14,6 +23,309 @@ public SpigotCommand() {
// Register these commands:
Prison.get().getCommandHandler().registerCommands( this );

@Command(identifier = "prison support troubleshoot autosell",
description = "Prison support troubleshooting: autosell. "
+ "This command can be ran at any time. It does not make "
+ "any changes to any configs. This will help identify if "
+ "autosell is properly configured, and if not, then it "
+ "will suggest changes.",
aliases = "prison reload players",
onlyPlayers = false, permissions = "ranks.set")
public void supportRanksCmd(CommandSender sender ){

List<String> msgs = new ArrayList<>();

List<String> perms = new ArrayList<>();
perms.add( "prison.admin" );
perms.add( "prison.sellall.delay" );
perms.add( "prison.autosell.edit" );
perms.add( "prison.sellall.toggle" );
perms.add( "" );
perms.add( "" );

msgs.add( "&3Prison support troubleshoot autosell:" );

msgs.add( " The following information is intended to help confirmm if " );
msgs.add( " autosell is enabled, and if it isn't then it will identify " );
msgs.add( " what settings need to be changed to enable it." );

boolean sellall = SpigotPrison.getInstance().isSellAllEnabled();

if ( !sellall ) {
msgs.add( "&cWarning: sellall is disabled. It needs to be turned on." );

YamlConfiguration modulesConf = SpigotPrison.getInstance().loadConfig("modules.yml");
String sellallModuleName = PrisonSellall.MODULE_NAME.toLowerCase();
boolean isSellallModuleDefined = modulesConf.contains(sellallModuleName);

if ( isSellallModuleDefined ) {

msgs.add( " The sellall module is enabled." );
msgs.add( "&c But sellall is disabled." );
else {
msgs.add( "&c The sellall module is not enabled; please enable." );
msgs.add( "&c Enable by editing file: '&6plugins/Prison/modules.yml&c'" );
msgs.add( "&c Ensure '&6sellall: true&c' is set to '&6true&c' " );
msgs.add( "&c Use '&2/prison reload sellall&c' to load the autosell settings." );

perms.add( "" );

msgs.add( " Note: In the 'plugins/Prison/config.yml' there is an older setting " );
msgs.add( " 'sellall: true' which is no longer used. Do not add it, or enable it, " );
msgs.add( " since it will be ignored." );

perms.add( "" );

else {
SellAllUtil saUtils = SellAllUtil.get();

// Options.Sell_Permission_Enabled: 'false'
// Options.Sell_Permission: prison.admin
// Options.Full_Inv_AutoSell: true
// Options.Full_Inv_AutoSell_Notification: 'true'
// Options.Full_Inv_AutoSell_perUserToggleable: true
// Options.Full_Inv_AutoSell_perUserToggleable_Need_Perm: 'false'
// Options.Full_Inv_AutoSell_PerUserToggleable_Permission: prison.sellall.toggle
// Options.Sell_Per_Block_Permission_Enabled: 'false'
// Options.Sell_Per_Block_Permission: prison.sellall.
// Options.SellAll_ignoreCustomNames: false

boolean saPermsEnabled = saUtils.isSellAllSellPermissionEnabled;
String saPermsStr = saUtils.permissionSellAllSell;
boolean saFullInvAutosell = saUtils.isAutoSellEnabled;
boolean saUserToggle = saUtils.isAutoSellPerUserToggleable;
boolean saUserTogglePermEnable = saUtils.isAutoSellPerUserToggleablePermEnabled;
String saUserTogglePermStr = saUtils.permissionAutoSellPerUserToggleable;

msgs.add( " SellAll is enabled." );

msgs.add( " Perms enabled: " + Boolean.toString( saPermsEnabled ));
msgs.add( " 'Options.Sell_Permission_Enabled: " + Boolean.toString( saPermsEnabled ) + "'" );
if ( saPermsEnabled ) {

msgs.add( " Perm: 'Options.Sell_Permission: " + saPermsStr + "'" );
msgs.add( " SellAll autosell on full inventory: " + Boolean.toString( saFullInvAutosell ) );
msgs.add( " 'Options.Full_Inv_AutoSell: " + Boolean.toString( saFullInvAutosell ) + "'" );

msgs.add( " SellAll user controlled autosell toggle enabled: " +
Boolean.toString( saUserToggle ) );
msgs.add( " 'Options.Full_Inv_AutoSell_perUserToggleable: " + Boolean.toString( saUserToggle ) + "'" );
msgs.add( " SellAll user toggle perms enabled: " + Boolean.toString( saUserTogglePermEnable ) );
if ( saUserTogglePermEnable ) {

msgs.add( " 'Options.Full_Inv_AutoSell_PerUserToggleable_Permission: " + saUserTogglePermStr + "'" );
msgs.add( " " );

if ( !saFullInvAutosell ) {

msgs.add( "&c To get auto sell to work, you must enable the SellAll autosell on full inventory." );
msgs.add( "&c See the above setting on what needs to be changed in the autosell configs." );

msgs.add( " " );

AutoFeaturesWrapper afWrap = AutoFeaturesWrapper.getInstance();

boolean afAutoManagerEnabled = afWrap.isBoolean( AutoFeatures.isAutoManagerEnabled );

if ( !afAutoManagerEnabled ) {

msgs.add( "&c AutoManager is disabled. This needs to be enabled." );
msgs.add( "&c Config file: '&6plugins/Prison/autoFeaturesConfig.yml&c'" );
msgs.add( "&c Set '&6autoManager.isAutoManagerEnabled: true&c' to a value of '&6true&c'." );
msgs.add( "&c Use '&2/prison reload autofeatures&c' to reload the auto features settings." );
msgs.add( " " );
else {

boolean afAutoSellIfInventoryIsFull = afWrap.isBoolean( AutoFeatures.isAutoSellIfInventoryIsFull );
boolean afAutoSellPerBlock = afWrap.isBoolean( AutoFeatures.isAutoSellPerBlockBreakEnabled );

String afAutoSellPerBlockPerm = afWrap.getMessage( AutoFeatures.permissionAutoSellPerBlockBreakEnabled );
boolean afAutoSellPerBlockPermIsEnabled =
!afAutoSellPerBlockPerm.equalsIgnoreCase( "disable" ) &&
!afAutoSellPerBlockPerm.equalsIgnoreCase( "disabled" ) &&
!afAutoSellPerBlockPerm.equalsIgnoreCase( "false" )

boolean afAutoSellForceCheck = afWrap.isBoolean( AutoFeatures.isForceSellAllOnInventoryWhenBukkitBlockBreakEventFires );
boolean afAutoSellForceDelayedCheck = afWrap.isBoolean( AutoFeatures.isEnabledDelayedSellAllOnInventoryWhenBukkitBlockBreakEventFires );
long afAutoSellForceDelayedCheckTicks = afWrap.getInteger( AutoFeatures.isEnabledDelayedSellAllOnInventoryDelayInTicks );

boolean afAutoSellForceDebugLoggin = afWrap.isBoolean( AutoFeatures.isAutoSellLeftoversForceDebugLogging );

msgs.add( " AutoManager is enabled. This is required to use autosell features." );
msgs.add( " AutoSell on full inventory: " + Boolean.toString( afAutoSellIfInventoryIsFull ) );
msgs.add( " Note: This setting applies only to the processing of block breakage events. Other " );
msgs.add( " ways blocks get in to the player's inventory will not trigger this autosell." );
if ( !afAutoSellIfInventoryIsFull ) {

msgs.add( " To enable set: 'options.inventory.isAutoSellIfInventoryIsFull: true' to a value of true." );
msgs.add( " AutoSell per block breakage: " + Boolean.toString( afAutoSellPerBlock ) );
if ( !afAutoSellPerBlock ) {

msgs.add( " To enable set: 'options.inventory.isAutoSellPerBlockBreakEnabled: true' to a value of true." );
msgs.add( " Per block perms enabled: " + afAutoSellPerBlockPerm + " (" +
(afAutoSellPerBlockPermIsEnabled ? "is enabled" : "is disabled") +
msgs.add( " Perm: 'options.inventory.permissionAutoSellPerBlockBreakEnabled: '" + afAutoSellPerBlockPerm + "'" );
msgs.add( " To disable perms, use either 'disable' or 'false' instead of an actual perm." );

msgs.add( " " );

msgs.add( " MineBombs: Since sellall is enabled, the minebomb's autosell feature can be use." );
msgs.add( " MineBomb's autosell does not require autosell to be enabled since it can " );
msgs.add( " force an autosell. Autosell is useful for when the mine bomb's drops would " );
msgs.add( " be far too large for a player's inventory to handle, and may even cause server " );
msgs.add( " lag." );
msgs.add( " " );

if ( afAutoSellPerBlock && afAutoSellIfInventoryIsFull ) {

msgs.add( "Autosell is enabled in autoFeatures for both per block and full inventory. " );
msgs.add( "Since per block autosell is enabled, Prison will never use the full inventory autosell " );
msgs.add( "through autoFeatures. " );
msgs.add( "Per block autosell will sell the items that were just mined, and will not place those items" );
msgs.add( "in the player's inventory prior to selling them. Per block autosell will only sell what is " );
msgs.add( "being mined, and will not sell anything that is already in the player's inventory." );
msgs.add( " " );
else if ( afAutoSellPerBlock ) {

msgs.add( "Autosell is enabled in autoFeatures for just per block autosell. You do not need to " );
msgs.add( "enable full inventory autosell since it will never be used anyway; per block autosell " );
msgs.add( "overrides the full inventory autosell within the autoFeatures. " );
msgs.add( "Per block autosell will sell the items that were just mined, and will not place those items" );
msgs.add( "in the player's inventory prior to selling them. Per block autosell will only sell what is " );
msgs.add( "being mined, and will not sell anything that is already in the player's inventory." );
msgs.add( " " );
else if ( afAutoSellIfInventoryIsFull ) {

msgs.add( "Autosell is enabled in autoFeatures only when handling block break events, and a player's " );
msgs.add( "inventory becomes full. Other actions outside of handling block break events will not trigger " );
msgs.add( "an autosell event even though the player's inventory may fill up." );
msgs.add( " " );
else {

msgs.add( "Autosell has not been enabled in autoFeatures. " );
msgs.add( "Please see the above settings to enable it. " );
msgs.add( " " );

msgs.add( " " );
msgs.add( "Additonal auto sell capabilities that can be enabled within Prison's auto features: " );
msgs.add( " " );

msgs.add( "The player can turn off autosell by using the `/sellall autoSellToggle` command, if that " );
msgs.add( "been enabled. See settings above. " );

msgs.add( " " );
msgs.add( "&cPlease note that if autosell is working for other players, but some are complaining " );
msgs.add( "&cthat it is not working for them, then please have them check their toggle status: " );
msgs.add( "&c`&2/sellall autoSellToggle&c` " );
msgs.add( " " );

msgs.add( " " );
msgs.add( "Note: The following property is not enabled: 'options.inventory.isAutoSellIfInventoryIsFullForBLOCKEVENTSPriority: '" );
msgs.add( " Since it is not enabled, examples on how to use it is moot and will not be provided." );
msgs.add( " " );
msgs.add( "Prison is very flexible because the configuration of many servers can be very complex and involve " );
msgs.add( "the use of many different plugins, somme of which may conflict with Prison, or it is preferred by " );
msgs.add( "admins to use another plugin to handle Prison's functions, such as handling the block breakage. " );
msgs.add( "Therefore, acknowledging the complexity of the plugin mix, Prison has a couple of autosell " );
msgs.add( "features that can help handle some edge cases. These features generally are not used, but they " );
msgs.add( "can solve some complex issues. Thease features are listed below..." );
msgs.add( "" );
msgs.add( " Check player's inventory for full inventory autosell: " +
(afAutoSellForceCheck ? "is enabled" : "is disabled" )
msgs.add( " Setting: 'options.inventory.isForceSellAllOnInventoryWhenBukkitBlockBreakEventFires: " +
Boolean.toString(afAutoSellForceCheck)+ " '" );
msgs.add( " Prison's autoFeature's autosell does not inspect the player's inventory since it is selling " );
msgs.add( " the blocks that are being mined. Bypassing the player's inventory save a lot of processing " );
msgs.add( " overhead that could contribute to lag. Therefore this option, which only is tied to " );
msgs.add( " the 'org.bukkit.BlockBreakEvent' handling, can check the player's inventory to see if it is " );
msgs.add( " full so a sellall can be fired. This is useful if you have to use another plugins block " );
msgs.add( " handling but you're using prison's sellall. This could be used in conjunction with a " );
msgs.add( " NOTE: This can be applied without enabling autosell directly." );
msgs.add( " " );
msgs.add( " Delayed player inventory autosell: " +
(afAutoSellForceDelayedCheck ? "is enabled" : "is disabled" )
msgs.add( " Delayed for: " + Long.toString( afAutoSellForceDelayedCheckTicks) + " ticks." );
msgs.add( " Setting: 'options.inventory.isEnabledDelayedSellAllOnInventoryWhenBukkitBlockBreakEventFires: " +
Boolean.toString( afAutoSellForceDelayedCheck ) + " '" );
msgs.add( " Setting: 'options.inventory.isEnabledDelayedSellAllOnInventoryDelayInTicks: " +
Long.toString( afAutoSellForceDelayedCheckTicks ) + " '" );
msgs.add( " This option is similar to the check player's inventory for full inventory with autosell, except " );
msgs.add( " that each time this task runs, it will sell everything in the player's inventory that is sellable." );
msgs.add( " This process is the same as if the player used `/sellall sell` but on a delay." );
msgs.add( " " );

msgs.add( " How this setting is different, is that it will submit a task to run in 'n' ticks to check " );
msgs.add( " the player's inventory and then performm an autosell if needed. " );
msgs.add( " This is very useful for when another plugin is handling the block breaks, and the " );
msgs.add( " blocks are not yet placed in the player's inventory by the time prison is handling the " );
msgs.add( " MONITOR (or other) priorities." );
msgs.add( " Valid tick values are 0 and higher, with 2 ticks being the default. Setting this value to " );
msgs.add( " one second (20 ticks) or higher is reasonable, and can reduce server load, but the player will " );
msgs.add( " see a slight delay from when their inventoy becommes full and when it is sold. " );
msgs.add( " This submits a player task to check their inventory in the future, as defined by " );
msgs.add( " the number of ticks. While this submitted task is waiting to run, or is running, " );
msgs.add( " addtional mining by the player will not submit more of these tasks. One task per player " );
msgs.add( " can be submitted at time, since the task will handle all prior mining activiies." );
msgs.add( " " );
msgs.add( " " );

msgs.add( " Force debug logging on autosell overflow conditions: " +
(afAutoSellForceDebugLoggin ? "is enabled" : "is disabled" ) );
msgs.add( " Setting: 'options.inventory.isAutoSellLeftoversForceDebugLogging: " +
Boolean.toString( afAutoSellForceDebugLoggin ) + " '" );
msgs.add( " It would be a VERY rare condition for blocks not autoselling, and could be a sign that the " );
msgs.add( " block has not been setup in the Prison sellall shop." );
msgs.add( " Therefore, if this situation is identified, where there are leftover blocks that have not been " );
msgs.add( " auto sold, then this will trigger a block break debug logging even for that transaction so it's " );
msgs.add( " added to the console. This will make it easier to track down configuration issues with sellall." );
msgs.add( " The block break debuging informmation is being shown in full since it can help provide " );
msgs.add( " more information which would help address other possible issues." );
msgs.add( " This only works when prison debug mode is turned off, and it will only log just that one" );
msgs.add( " transaction (it will not turn on prison debug mode)." );
msgs.add( " This condition will be logged every time the issue happens, which can result in many logged messages." );

msgs.add( " " );

msgs.add( " " );


//msgs.add( "" );


@Command(identifier = "prison support test itemsAdder",
description = "Initial test of accessing ItemsAdder.",
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