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Kriegeskorte, Goebel & Bandettini (2006) propose a method that combines many of the virtues of both univariate and multivariate techniques. In short, they define a local spherical mask, centered in turn on every one of the voxels inside the brain, and perform a multivariate test on each of those spherical regions. This "information-based mapping" approach preserves information that might be present in the fine spatial patterns, while also imposing a locality constraint (by only looking at voxels within a circumscribed region).
The MVPA toolbox provides a flexible framework for running analyses of this kind, creating the spherical (or other-shaped) searchlights, ready for you to drop in your multivariate test/algorithm of choice on each sphere, and automatically assigns the results of each test to the voxel at the center. You can then threshold this statmap to create a mask, just as you do with any other statmap. It utilizes the same FEATURE_SELECT.M function as simpler, univariate approaches (such as the default STATMAP_ANOVA.M), and so you can easily run this within an n-1 leave-one-out cross-validation analysis design.
For the purposes of this tutorial, we're going to run a Gaussian Naive Bayes (GNB) classifier as the 'multivariate statistical test' for each sphere. In other words, we're going to go through each voxel in the brain, grab all the voxels within a predefined radius of that center voxel, and pass them through a simple train/test cross-validation classification. The generalization score will be that center voxel's 'goodness' value (just as the ANOVA p value in STATMAP_ANOVA.M provides a goodness value).
The only tricky part about this pertains to peeking. We can't allow our multivariate statistical test to ever see the test data that we will eventually use for computing our final classification generalization score in CROSS_VALIDATION.M. Of course, if all you want is a brain map, and don't plan to run classification on the resulting mask, then this isn't a problem at all. However, we will assume that your aim is to define a set of masks that you will later use in an n-1 leave-one-out classification design, such as Haxby et al (2001), avoiding any kind of peeking. In order to make it easy to tell what's what, we will use a backprop classifier for the final cross-validation analysis, as in TUTORIAL_EASY.M.
As usual, to avoid any kind of peeking impropriety, we'll divide our dataset data up into parts with a group of cross-validation selectors. Unusually though, each iteration of cross-validation, we are going to divide the dataset into 3 parts:
training data (1s) - for training the searchlight GNB, and also for training the backprop classifier in the final cross-validation analysis
final-testing data (2s) - for testing the backprop classifier in the final cross-validation. The searchlight GNB will not see this data. The generalization performance on this final-testing data is the final classification score that we're trying to optimize.
searchlight-generalization data (3s) - for testing the searchlight GNB. The generalization performance on this searchlight-generalization data will be used as the goodness value for the center voxel in each sphere. So,really, it is a kind of 'training' data too, since it's part of the data we will use for feature selection.
As you can probably see, the 1s and 2s have not changed their meaning. It is only the addition of the 3s that is new here. Remember - the GNB's goodness value will be determined by the searchlight-generalization data, but the final-testing data will play no role whatsoever in feature selection or preparation.
First, run [:TutorialIntro:TUTORIAL_EASY.M] to create your SUBJ structure. This should leave you with a SUBJ structure that looks something like this:
>> summarize(subj)
Subject 'tutorial_subj' in 'haxby8' experiment
Patterns - [ nVox x nTRs]
1) epi - [ 577 x 1210]
2) epi_z - [ 577 x 1210]
3-12) epi_z_anova * [GRP size 10] [ 577 x 1]
Regressors - [nCond x nTRs]
1) conds - [ 8 x 1210]
Selectors - [nCond x nTRs]
1) runs - [ 1 x 1210]
2-11) runs_xval * [GRP size 10] [ 1 x 1210]
Masks - [ X x Y x Z ] [ nVox]
1) VT_category-selective - [ 64 x 64 x 40] [ 577]
2) epi_z_thresh0.05_1 - [GRP size 10] [ 64 x 64 x 40] [ 577]
3) epi_z_thresh0.05_2 - [GRP size 10] [ 64 x 64 x 40] [ 574]
4) epi_z_thresh0.05_3 - [GRP size 10] [ 64 x 64 x 40] [ 573]
5) epi_z_thresh0.05_4 - [GRP size 10] [ 64 x 64 x 40] [ 571]
6) epi_z_thresh0.05_5 - [GRP size 10] [ 64 x 64 x 40] [ 575]
7) epi_z_thresh0.05_6 - [GRP size 10] [ 64 x 64 x 40] [ 575]
8) epi_z_thresh0.05_7 - [GRP size 10] [ 64 x 64 x 40] [ 573]
9) epi_z_thresh0.05_8 - [GRP size 10] [ 64 x 64 x 40] [ 575]
10) epi_z_thresh0.05_9 - [GRP size 10] [ 64 x 64 x 40] [ 573]
11) epi_z_thresh0.05_10 - [GRP size 10] [ 64 x 64 x 40] [ 574]
To keep things nice and simple, let's abandon our painstakingly-created ANOVA maps & masks, since they're only going to get in the way for this tutorial, and also the cross-validation indices that we created, since we're going to need new ones:
subj = remove_group(subj,'pattern','epi_z_anova');
subj = remove_group(subj,'mask','epi_z_thresh0.05');
subj = remove_group(subj,'selector','runs_xval');
It is always so much easier to destroy than create.
>> summarize(subj)
Subject 'tutorial_subj' in 'haxby8' experiment
Patterns - [ nVox x nTRs]
1) epi - [ 577 x 1210]
2) epi_z - [ 577 x 1210]
Regressors - [nCond x nTRs]
1) conds - [ 8 x 1210]
Selectors - [nCond x nTRs]
1) runs - [ 1 x 1210]
Masks - [ X x Y x Z ] [ nVox]
1) VT_category-selective - [ 64 x 64 x 40] [ 577]
Now, we need to create our group of cross-validation selectors. There will be one for each iteration of the cross-validation process. For each iteration, we're going to withhold one run for final-test data (as usual), we'll withhold one run for searchlight-generalization data, and we'll use the remainder for training data. We could do this by modifying the output of CREATE_XVALID_INDICES.M using RUNS as the selector, but instead, we'll create them from scratch with our bare hands, since it's not too hard.
runs = get_mat(subj,'selector','runs');
nRuns = max(runs);
nTimepoints = length(runs);
runs_xval_sl = ones(nRuns,nTimepoints);
for r=1:nRuns
cur_final_test_run = find(runs==r);
runs_xval_sl(r, cur_final_test_run) = 2;
set(gca,'CLim',[1 3])
Ok. So far so good. You should see a plot where each run is a row, and each column is a timepoint. The blue areas are the training data (1s). The green areas are the final-testing data (2s). This is more or less what CREATE_XVALID_INDICES.M creates.
[Most of the above code should be pretty clear. The only line that's at all fiendish is the one beginning with set(gca,...). Basically, this says to Matlab that we're going to plot some 3s in a minute, so it should scale the colorbar to leave room for them. That's why the 2s are green.]
Now, time to label the searchlight-generalization timepoints with 3s (which will be red).
for r=1:nRuns
cur_searchlight_gen_run = find(runs== nRuns-r+1);
runs_xval_sl(r, cur_searchlight_gen_run) = 3;
So, for instance, in the first iteration of cross-validation, we're going to train both the GNB and backprop on runs 2:9 (inclusive). We're going to evaluate the GNB's searchlight-generalization on run 10. And we're going to final-test backprop on run 1.
Our choice of which run will be withheld for searchlight-generalization is entirely arbitrary here. At the end of this tutorial, we consider alternative ways to pick out the searchlight-generalization timepoints to withhold.
Finally, let's add each row from this matrix to the toolbox as a separate selector object, and then group them together, so they're ready to be fed to FEATURE_SELECT.M and CROSS_VALIDATION.M.
for r=1:nRuns
cur_name = sprintf('runs_xval_sl_%i',r);
subj = initset_object(subj, 'selector', cur_name, ...
runs_xval_sl(r,:), ...
'group_name', 'runs_xval_sl' );
The INITSET_OBJECT.M function is handy - it's like running INIT_OBJECT.M, SET_MAT.M and then SET_OBJFIELD.M all in one go. Let's check that everything's been added correctly:
>> summarize(subj)
Subject 'tutorial_subj' in 'haxby8' experiment
Patterns - [ nVox x nTRs]
1) epi - [ 577 x 1210]
2) epi_z - [ 577 x 1210]
Regressors - [nCond x nTRs]
1) conds - [ 8 x 1210]
Selectors - [nCond x nTRs]
1) runs - [ 1 x 1210]
2) runs_xval_sl_1 - [GRP size 10] [ 1 x 1210]
3) runs_xval_sl_2 - [GRP size 10] [ 1 x 1210]
4) runs_xval_sl_3 - [GRP size 10] [ 1 x 1210]
5) runs_xval_sl_4 - [GRP size 10] [ 1 x 1210]
6) runs_xval_sl_5 - [GRP size 10] [ 1 x 1210]
7) runs_xval_sl_6 - [GRP size 10] [ 1 x 1210]
8) runs_xval_sl_7 - [GRP size 10] [ 1 x 1210]
9) runs_xval_sl_8 - [GRP size 10] [ 1 x 1210]
10) runs_xval_sl_9 - [GRP size 10] [ 1 x 1210]
11) runs_xval_sl_10 - [GRP size 10] [ 1 x 1210]
Masks - [ X x Y x Z ] [ nVox]
1) VT_category-selective - [ 64 x 64 x 40] [ 577]
Looks good. That's the hardest part out of the way.
The next step is to create our 'adjacency matrix'. Basically, this defines the spherical searchlight neighborhood for each voxel. It's a matrix, where each row contains the indices of all the voxels within a predefined radius. These indices are relative to the pattern.
Creating the adjacency matrix isn't too hard:
>> subj.adj_sphere = create_adj_list(subj,'VT_category-selective');
create_adj_list: creating 'adj_sphere' adjacency list of mask 'VT_category-selective'
Sphere radius = 2.0
Creating spherical envelope...
Transforming mask indices into subscripts...
Passing the sphere over each voxel...
... 10% 20% 30% 40% 49% 59% 69% 79% 89% 99% 100% done
Kaboom! Don't you feel great? Did you ever guess when you woke up this morning that you'd be creating adjacency matrices left, right and center before breakfast?
Enough smugness for now. The main complication you might want to consider would be to change the radius of the sphere. In that case, you'd want to pass in a RAADIUS argument, e.g.
>> subj.adj_sphere = create_adj_list(subj,'VT_category-selective','radius',1);
You should find that ADJ_LIST will have fewer columns in this latter case. That makes sense - the smaller the radius, the fewer voxels in each spherical neighborhood, and so the fewer indices on each row of the adjacency matrix. Let's examine one row:
>> subj.adj_sphere(1,:)
ans =
1 12 0 0 0 0 0
There are a few things to note from this:
The first voxel, 1, is included in its own spherical neighborhood. That makes sense, since it would be strange to give this voxel a goodness value for a statistical test that ignored it. It also means that even zero-radius spheres will contain a single voxel.
The 12th voxel in the pattern is the only other voxel in this spherical neighborhood.
There are no other voxels in this voxel's spherical neighborhood. The matrix is zero-padded, so the number of columns grows to fit the largest neighborhood. Why would this neighborhood be so small? Perhaps this voxel is near the edge of the volume, in which case the sphere will be truncated. More likely though, the rest of the voxels that would have been in this neighborhood have been excluded by our mask, which is pretty small (only 577 voxels). In other words, if a voxel isn't included in this pattern's mask, it won't be included in any of the spheres.
The largest spherical neighborhood for this mask and this radius is 7.
See CREATE_ADJ_LIST.M and ADJ_SPHERE.M for more information on creating the adjacency matrix.
Now, we have almost all the pieces for our FEATURE_SELECT.M call, which is going to look like this:
subj = feature_select( ...
subj, ...
'epi_z', ... % data
'conds', ... % binary regs (for GNB)
'runs_xval_sl', ... % selector
'statmap_funct','statmap_searchlight', ... % function
'statmap_arg',statmap_srch_arg, ...
'new_map_patname','epi_z_srch', ...
But wait! Don't run it yet... Too late? No harm done. We don't yet have a 'statmap_srch_arg' options structure yet.
class_args.train_funct_name = 'train_gnb';
class_args.test_funct_name = 'test_gnb';
scratch.class_args = class_args;
scratch.perfmet_args = struct([]);
statmap_srch_arg.adj_list = subj.adj_sphere;
statmap_srch_arg.obj_funct = 'statmap_classify';
statmap_srch_arg.scratch = scratch;
As you can see, the 'statmap_srch_arg' structure is kind of like an onion that's going to get unpeeled layer-by-layer:
the outer 'statmap_srch_arg' layer contains arguments for STATMAP_SEARCHLIGHT.M. This is where we feed in the adjacency matrix, SUBJ.ADJ_SPHERE, and where we specify that we're going to use STATMAP_CLASSIFY to run a classifier. In Kriegeskorte, Bandettini & Goebel (2006), they use Mahalanobis distance. You might want to try a MANOVA (though we haven't implemented a MANOVA for the toolbox).
the 'scratch' structure gets passed on to STATMAP_CLASSIFY.M, which is a sort of stripped-down version of CROSS_VALIDATION.M. It trains and tests the classifer on the timepoints picked out by the xval selector's 1s and 3s for that iteration.
and then the 'class_args' structure gets passed to TRAIN_GNB.M, as usual.
Phew. We have some ideas for simplifying this in the future, but for now, this system works, and gives us a lot of flexibility. If you wanted, you could drop in:
a different classifier (e.g. TRAIN_RIDGE) or performance metric (e.g. PERFMET_XCORR)
a completely different statistical test (e.g. a MANOVA or STATMAP_GLM_MULTIV)
a different shaped searchlight neighborhood
So, putting that all together, we're ready to go:
class_args.train_funct_name = 'train_gnb';
class_args.test_funct_name = 'test_gnb';
scratch.class_args = class_args;
scratch.perfmet_funct = 'perfmet_maxclass';
scratch.perfmet_args = struct([]);
statmap_srch_arg.adj_list = subj.adj_sphere;
statmap_srch_arg.obj_funct = 'statmap_classify';
statmap_srch_arg.scratch = scratch;
subj = feature_select( ...
subj, ...
'epi_z', ... % data
'conds', ... % binary regs (for GNB)
'runs_xval_sl', ... % selector
'statmap_funct','statmap_searchlight', ... % function
'statmap_arg',statmap_srch_arg, ...
'new_map_patname','epi_z_srch', ...
Starting 10 statmap_searchlight iterations
1 ... 10% 20% 30% 40% 49% 59% 69% 79% 89% 99% 100% done
2 ... 10% 20% 30% 40% 49% 59% 69% 79% 89% 99% 100% done
3 ... 10% 20% 30% 40% 49% 59% 69% 79% 89% 99% 100% done
4 ... 10% 20% 30% 40% 49% 59% 69% 79% 89% 99% 100% done
5 ... 10% 20% 30% 40% 49% 59% 69% 79% 89% 99% 100% done
6 ... 10% 20% 30% 40% 49% 59% 69% 79% 89% 99% 100% done
7 ... 10% 20% 30% 40% 49% 59% 69% 79% 89% 99% 100% done
8 ... 10% 20% 30% 40% 49% 59% 69% 79% 89% 99% 100% done
9 ... 10% 20% 30% 40% 49% 59% 69% 79% 89% 99% 100% done
10 ... 10% 20% 30% 40% 49% 59% 69% 79% 89% 99% 100% done
Pattern statmap group 'epi_z_srch' and mask group 'epi_z_thresh' created by feature_select
>> summ
Subject 'tutorial_subj' in 'haxby8' experiment
Patterns - [ nVox x nTRs]
1) epi - [ 577 x 1210]
2) epi_z - [ 577 x 1210]
3) epi_z_srch_1 - [GRP size 10] [ 577 x 1]
4) epi_z_srch_2 - [GRP size 10] [ 577 x 1]
5) epi_z_srch_3 - [GRP size 10] [ 577 x 1]
6) epi_z_srch_4 - [GRP size 10] [ 577 x 1]
7) epi_z_srch_5 - [GRP size 10] [ 577 x 1]
8) epi_z_srch_6 - [GRP size 10] [ 577 x 1]
9) epi_z_srch_7 - [GRP size 10] [ 577 x 1]
10) epi_z_srch_8 - [GRP size 10] [ 577 x 1]
11) epi_z_srch_9 - [GRP size 10] [ 577 x 1]
12) epi_z_srch_10 - [GRP size 10] [ 577 x 1]
Regressors - [nCond x nTRs]
1) conds - [ 8 x 1210]
Selectors - [nCond x nTRs]
1) runs - [ 1 x 1210]
2) runs_xval_sl_1 - [GRP size 10] [ 1 x 1210]
3) runs_xval_sl_2 - [GRP size 10] [ 1 x 1210]
4) runs_xval_sl_3 - [GRP size 10] [ 1 x 1210]
5) runs_xval_sl_4 - [GRP size 10] [ 1 x 1210]
6) runs_xval_sl_5 - [GRP size 10] [ 1 x 1210]
7) runs_xval_sl_6 - [GRP size 10] [ 1 x 1210]
8) runs_xval_sl_7 - [GRP size 10] [ 1 x 1210]
9) runs_xval_sl_8 - [GRP size 10] [ 1 x 1210]
10) runs_xval_sl_9 - [GRP size 10] [ 1 x 1210]
11) runs_xval_sl_10 - [GRP size 10] [ 1 x 1210]
Masks - [ X x Y x Z ] [ nVox]
1) VT_category-selective - [ 64 x 64 x 40] [ 577]
That just trained and tested the classifier 5770 times (577 voxels, 10 iterations). For a given voxel on a given iteration, its spherical neighborhood's searchlight-generalization performance is stored as the center voxel's statmap value.
And now, to create masks from the statmaps, by picking the best 200 values in each statmap:
subj = create_sorted_mask( ...
subj,'epi_z_srch', ...
'epi_z_srch_200',200, ...
High searchlight-generalization performance is better, so make sure to note the 'descending' argument.
Finally, let's try n-1 classification, using a separate mask for each iteration. None of the algorithms so far have used the 2s timepoints from our RUNS_XVAL_SL group, so there's no peeking involved. Aside from the masks, we'll use the same parameters as for TUTORIAL_EASY.M.
>> class_args.train_funct_name = 'train_bp';
>> class_args.test_funct_name = 'test_bp';
>> class_args.nHidden = 0;
>> [subj results] = cross_validation( ...
subj, ...
'epi_z', ... % data
'conds', ... % regressors
'runs_xval_sl', ... % xval selectors
'epi_z_srch_200', ... % mask group
The searchlight analysis should return a pattern (just like the anova and other feature selection methods), which contains the results of running the searchlight analysis centered on each individual voxel. In other words, each sphere is centered on a different voxel. The score for a given sphere is assigned to its center-voxel, and stored in the pattern's nVox x 1 matrix.
You can visualize this pattern with view_montage, just like you can visualize the p values from the anova. See TutorialVisualization for more information on visualizing brainmaps.
Congratulations! That should be enough to get you started running your own searchlight analyses. All of the functions discussed here have their own help, which often goes into more detail.
We opted for a simple strategy when choosing which timepoints to use for searchlight-generalization, and which to use for final-testing, by fixing a single run per iteration for each. One could imagine various alternative strategies, perhaps involving randomization. At this stage, we have not implemented anything along these lines.
At the time of writing, the only multivariate algorithms that can be run within a sphere are STATMAP_CLASSIFY and STATMAP_GLM_MULTIV. See their help for more information. Writing new ones wouldn't be too hard if you use them as a template.
converting between mask and pattern indices
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