Hey! This is my project for Software Development where we're learning about Git and GitHub. We're creating a mock course management system (like a simple version of a university portal) to practice using Git.
This is a practice project to help understand how universities manage their:
- Courses
- Student enrollments
- Grades
- Teacher assignments
- Basic school stuff
- Managing courses (adding/editing/removing classes)
- Student stuff (enrollment, grades, records)
- Teacher stuff (who teaches what)
- Login system
- Grade calculator
- Reports and class lists
This is just for practicing Git - we're not actually coding the system! We're focusing on:
- Learning how to use Git
- Understanding how to organize projects
- Getting used to documentation
- Working with branches
- Documentation folder: where we keep all our planning docs
- Requirements folder: what the system needs to do
- Design folder: how we think it should work
- Planning folder: timeline and organization stuff
- Course: Software Development
- Professor: Engineer Ezekiel Arceo
- Semester: 2nd Semester, 2024-2025