Node module to get a token from UAA using client credentials or a refresh token.
Install via npm
npm install --save predix-uaa-client
This package can be used in various ways, depending on the params passed into the getToken
In this mode, no refresh token is passed in. This call can be made for each outgoing request. The library will cache the token until expiry, so subsequent calls will resolve instantaneously.
const uaa_util = require('predix-uaa-client');
// Call with client credentials (UAAUrl, ClientID, ClientSecret),
// will fetch a client token using these credentials.
// In this case the client needs authorized_grant_types: client_credentials
uaa_util.getToken(url, clientId, clientSecret).then((token) => {
// Use token.access_token as a Bearer token Authroization header
// in calls to secured services.
uri: '',
headers: {
Authorization: 'Bearer ' + token.access_token
}).then((data) => {
console.log('Got ' + data + ' from service');
}).catch((err) => {
console.error('Error getting data', err);
}).catch((err) => {
console.error('Error getting token', err);
When passing a refresh token, the function will NOT cache, this should only be called when a new user access token is required.
const uaa_util = require('predix-uaa-client');
// Call with client credentials (UAAUrl, ClientID, ClientSecret, RefreshToken),
// will fetch an access token for the user represented by the refresh token.
// In this case the client needs authorized_grant_types: refresh_token
uaa_util.getToken(url, clientId, clientSecret, refreshToken).then((token) => {
// New access token is in token.access_token.
// New refresh token is in token.refresh_token.
console.log('New access token', token.access_token);
console.log('New refresh token', token.refresh_token);
console.log('New access token expires at', token.expire_time);
}).catch((err) => {
console.error('Error getting token', err);
The 5th parameter is passed as a comma separated string of scopes.
const uaa_util = require('predix-uaa-client');
// Call with client credentials (UAAUrl, ClientID, ClientSecret, null, scopes),
// will fetch an access token for the user with requested scopes.
// In this case the client needs authorized_grant_types: refresh_token
uaa_util.getToken(url, clientId, clientSecret, null, 'scope1,scope2').then((token) => {
// New access token is in token.access_token.
// New refresh token is in token.refresh_token.
console.log('New access token', token.access_token);
console.log('New refresh token', token.refresh_token);
console.log('New access token expires at', token.expire_time);
}).catch((err) => {
console.error('Error getting token', err);