Build a Beautiful Landing page for an AI website using SCSS and ReactJS.
- Developed a beautiful and responsive UI/UX landing page for a AI based website using ReactJS , ReactJS templates and SCSS.
- Used SCSS as a CSS preprocessor, and made use of SCSS Mixins and Variable declaration to write beautiful and clean CSS code.
- Integrated ReactJS with SCSS to make industry oriented approach for website development.
- Layout the entire website using modern CSS layout features of Flex and Grid.
- Added Animations by adding Keyframes for a beautiful and responsive navbar.
- Solution URL: Solution on Github
- Live Site URL: Live site
- Semantic HTML5 markup
- Used modern HTML5 elements such as Main and Aside instead of generic Div
- SCSS as a CSS preprocessor
- ReactJS for using reusable components and overall struture.
- Developed a full landing page using SCSS and applied the concepts of SCSS.
- Integrated SCSS with ReactJS for industry level approach to website development.
- Developing skills to write more Fluent ReactJS code.
- To make individual Blog page that displays each Blog description.
- Developing a functional CMS to make the Blog section Interactive.
- Make a Sign Up option and authentication.
- Github - Prayag Tandon
- LinkedIn- @PrayagTandon