- OOP: Object Oriented Programming: Style of Writing Code.
- Objects: Entities in Real World.
- Casses: Group of these Entities | Collection of Real World Objects | BluePrint of on object | has Attributes & Methods | ex: Pen
- Attributes: Properties | ex: color, thickness
- Methods: Functions Which is use in the Class | Behaviours | ex: setColor(), setTip()
- Java Code Writing Convention: Traditional Java Developers Follow this Convention
- Always Make Classes After Public Class.
- File_Name & Public_Class_Name Should be Same.
- Class name Should be Start With Capital Letter.
- Methords name Should be Start with Small Letter - CamelCase.
public class OOP{
// Compiler Always Start Execution From Main Method:
// Public: Access Specifier.
// Static: Without Creating Object to Use Main Method.
// Void: Return DataType.
public static void main(String args[]){
// Pen: Class.
// P1: Reference Variable.
// new: Memory Allocation.
// Pen(): Pen Class Default Constructor.
// ; : Treminate the Line.
// Created a Pen Object called p1.
// Stack:
// Heap: Object Created in Heap Memory (alocates Memory) by using New Keyword.
Pen p1 = new Pen();
// p1.color = "Green"; We can Also Write in this Way.
// Pen Class
class Pen{
// Properties and Methods:
String color = "Red";
int tip = 5;
void setColor(String newColor){
color = newColor;
void setTip(int newTip){
tip = newTip;
// Student Class
class Student{
String name;
int age;
float percentage;
void calcPercentage(int phy, int che, int math){
percentage = (phy + che + math)/3;
Access Specifier | Within Class | Within Package | Outside Package BySubClass Only | OutSide Package |
- Private: | Y | NO | NO | NO |
- Default: | Y | Y | NO | NO |
- Protected: | Y | Y | Y | NO |
- Public: | Y | Y | Y | Y |
- Get: To Return the Value.
- Set: To Modify the Value.
- This Keyword is Used to refer to the Current Object.
public class OOP{
public static void main(String args[]) {
Pen p1 = new Pen();
class Pen {
private String color;
private int tip;
String getColor(){
return this.color;
int getTip(){
return this.tip;
void setColor(String newColor){
// you can use this when instance variable and local variable names are same
// color: Instance Variable.
// newColor: Local Variable.
this.color = newColor;
void setTip(int newTip){
this.tip = newTip;
- Four Pillers of OOP.
- Encpsulation: Encapsulation is defined as the wrapper up of Data & Methods ( Properties|Variables & Functions) under a Single Unit. It also Implements Data Hiding (Useless | Sensitive -> Private|Protected|Default ).
- Abstraction:
- Inheritance:
- Polimorphisum:
- Constructor is a Special Method which is invoked by Automatically at the time of Object Creation.
- Constructor have the Same name as Class Structure.
- Constructor Don't have Return Type.(Not even void)
- Constructors are Only called Once.
- Memory Allocation happens when Constructor is Called.
- Types Of Constructor:
- Non-Parametrized:
- Parametrized:
- Constructor Overloading - Polymorphisum
- Copy Constructor:
- Shallw (On a Surface Changes) Copy: Refrence Copy - Changes Reflect
- Deep (Totally Deep Inside Changes) Copy: New Copy - Changes Not Reflect
public class OOP{
public static void main(String args[]) {
Student s1 = new Student();
Student s2 = new Student("Pratik",22,"12345");
s2.marks[0] = 90;
s2.marks[1] = 95;
s2.marks[2] = 99;
// Copy Constructor:
Student s3 = new Student(s2);
// Beacouse of Array are Referece Variables.
s3.password = "67890";
s2.marks[2] = 12;
for(int i=0; i<3;i++){
class Student{
String name;
int rollno;
String password;
int marks[];
// Default Constructor | Non-Parametrized Constructor:
System.out.println("Student Constructor Called...");
// Parametrized Constructor:
Student(String name, int rollno, String password){
this.name = name;
this.rollno = rollno;
this.password = password;
marks = new int[3];
// Copy Constructor: Shallw Copy Constructor
// Student(Student s2){
// this.name = s2.name;
// this.rollno = s2.rollno;
// this.marks = s2.marks;
// }
// Deep Copy Constructor:
Student(Student s2){
marks = new int[3];
this.name = s2.name;
this.rollno = s2.rollno;
this.marks = s2.marks;
for(int i =0; i<3; i++){
this.marks[i] = s2.marks[i];
- Garbage Collector:
- Inheritance is when Properties and Methods of base | Parent | Super class are passed on Derived | Child | Sub Class.
- In Java Multiple Inheritance is Not Exist | Not Possible by Classes. But We Can Achive by using Interface.
- Multiple Base Class - Single Derived Class
// Inheritance
// Singlr Level Inheritance
public class OOP{
public static void main(String[] args) {
Fish shark = new Fish();
// BaseCLass
class Animal{
String color;
void eat(){
void breath(){
// DerivedClass
class Fish extends Animal{
int fins;
void swim(){
System.out.println("Swims in Water");
- Single Base class to Single Child Class Again Inherit by Another Single Child Classes (1 on 1 on 1...):
public class OOP{
public static void main(String[] args) {
Dog dobby = new Dog();
dobby.legs = 4;
class Animal{
String color;
void eat(){
void breathe(){
class Mammal extends Animal{
int legs;
class Dog extends Mammal{
String breed;
public class OOP{
public static void main(String[] args) {
class Animal{
String color;
void eat(){
void Breath(){
class Mammal extends Animal{
void walk(){
class Fish extends Animal{
void swim(){
class Bird extends Animal{
void fly(){
- Single Base class to Many Child Class Again Inherit by Another Many Child Classes (1 on MANY on Many) Combination of all inheritance:
// Hybrid Inheritance:
public class OOP{
public static void main(String[] args) {
Dog dobby = new Dog();
class Animal{
String color;
void eat(){
void breath(){
class Mammal extends Animal{
void walk(){
class Fish extends Animal{
void swim(){
class Bird extends Animal{
void fly(){
class Dog extends Mammal{
void bark(){
- Poly: Many
- Morph: Forms
- Compile Time Polymorphism (Static)
- Methord Overloading: Multiple Functions with the Same Name but Different Parameters.
- Run Time Polymorphism (Dynamic)
- Method Overriding: Parent and Child Classes both Contain the Same functions with a Different Defination.
- Multiple Functions with the Same Name but Different Parameters.
// Polymorphism:
// Compile Time Polymorphism:
// Method Overloading:
public class OOP{
public static void main(String[] args) {
Calculator calc = new Calculator();
// System.out.println(calc.sum(2.2,3.3)); By Default it takes as a Double thts why we have to Type Cast.
class Calculator{
int sum(int num1, int num2){
return num1+num2;
float sum(float num1, float num2){
return num1+ num2;
int sum(int num1, int num2, int num3){
return num1+num2+num3;
- Parent and Child Classes both Contain the Same functions with a Different Defination.
// Polymorphism:
// Run Time Polymorphism:
// Method Overriding:
public class OOP{
public static void main(String[] args) {
Deer deer = new Deer();
Animal animal = new Animal();
class Animal{
void eat(){
class Deer extends Animal{
void eat(){
System.out.println("Eats Grass");
- Packages is a Groupof Similar Types of Classes, Interfaces and Sub-Packages.
- InBuild Packages: java.util.*;
- UserDefined Packages: package myPackage;
- Hiding all the Unnecessary details and showing only the important parts to the user. Idea & Implimentation
- Abstract Classes
- Interfaces
- Connot create create an instance | Object of Abstract Class.
- Can have Abstract/Non-Abstract Class.
- Can have Constructor.
// Abstract:
public class OOP{
public static void main(String args[]){
Horse hourse = new Horse();
Peacock peacock = new Peacock();
Mustang myHorse = new Mustang();
// Animal - Horse - Mustang.
abstract class Animal{
String color;
color= "White";
System.out.println("Animal Constructor Called.");
void eat(){
System.out.println("Animal Eats");
abstract void walk(); //Gives Idea and You have to be this Methoed when you extends.
class Horse extends Animal{
void changColor(){
color = "Black";
System.out.println("Hourse Constructor Called.");
void walk(){
System.out.println("Hourse walks on 4 legs.");
class Mustang extends Horse{
System.out.println("Mustang Constructor Called.");
class Peacock extends Animal{
void changColor(){
color = "Purple";
void walk(){
System.out.println("Peacock walks on 2 legs.");
// Animal Constructor Called.
// Hourse Constructor Called.
// Animal Eats
// Hourse walks on 4 legs.
// Animal Constructor Called.
// Animal Eats
// Peacock walks on 2 legs.
// Animal Constructor Called.
// Hourse Constructor Called.
// Mustang Constructor Called.
- Interface is Blueprint of a class.
- Interface(Blueprint of Class) - Class(Blueprint of Object) - Object
- Use Interface Keyword
- All Methods are Public, Abstract & Without Imlimentation.
- Used to achieve total Abstraction.
- Varible in the Interface are Finaly, Public and Static.
- Class - Extends
- Interface - Impliment
- Total Abstraction (Interfaces)
- Multiple Inheritance (Implimentation)
// Interface: Blueprint of Class: Achive Multiple Inheritance:
public class OOP{
public static void main(String args[]) {
Queen queen = new Queen();
interface ChessPlayer{
void moves();
class Queen implements ChessPlayer{
public void moves(){
System.out.println("Queen: Up, Down, Left, Right, Diagonal, (in all 4 Directions)");
class Rook implements ChessPlayer{
public void moves(){
System.out.println("Rook: Up, Down, Left, Right");
class King implements ChessPlayer{
public void moves(){
System.out.println("King: Up, Down, Left, Right, Diagonal, (by 1 Step)");
// Multiple Inheritance:
interface Herbivors{
void eat();
interface Carnivore{
void eat();
class Bear implements Herbivors, Carnivore{
public void eat(){
System.out.println("Eat Grass And Eat Meat.");
- Static Keyword in Java is used to Share the Same Variable Or Method of a given Class
- Properties: Variables
- Methods: Funtions
- Blocks: {--Club 2-3 Lines of Code--} (Black of Code)
- Nested Classes: Similar as Nested Loops
// Static:
public class OOP{
public static void main(String args[]) {
Student student1 = new Student();
student1.schoolName = "SubhedarWada";
Student student2 = new Student();
class Student{
String name;
int rollno;
// Properties:
static String schoolName;
// Methods:
static int returnPercentage(int math, int phy, int chem){
void setName(String name){
this.name = name;
String getName(){
return this.name;
- Super keywordis used to refer Immediate Parent Class Object.
- To Access Parent's Properties.
- To Access Parent's Functions.
- To Access Parent's Constructor.
// Super:
public class OOP{
public static void main(String args[]) {
Horse horse = new Horse();
class Animal{
String color;
System.out.println("Animal Constructor Callaed");
class Horse extends Animal{
super.color = "Brown";
System.out.println("Horse Constructor Called");
- Advanced: Constructive Chaining You can Learn.
- End OOP's
Java -> Android, Web, Enterprise Market | Applications | Complex Web Applications | Mobile Applications | Emmbeded Softwares Language -> Syntax Cahange Basic -> Core (OOP) -> JDBC(Java Database Connectivity) -> Servelet -> Jsp -> Hybernate Framework -> Spring -> Spring Boot Java as Language: - Basic: Syntax, Cnstruct, loop, Condition, logic. - Core:- Object, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Encapsulation, Abstraction. - Advanced:- Files, Database, Multithreading. Java as Technology: Servelet, Spring Framework, Hibernate Framework IDE: Integrated Devlopment Environment -> Type - Compile - Run. In Java Every Line make Scence. Prespective: Core Java: Java Prespective | Web: Java EE (Enterprise Editor) Create: New Java Project New Package | Class
String Should be in Double Coatation: ("") Semicolan: Terminates the line: (); Block of Code: Class{}, Methods(){} Source Code: Compile: Byte Code: Java Virtual Machine Variables: Container, Memory Name, To Store Data, Primitive Data Types & Refrence Data Types: Premitive Data Types:
Data Type | Keyword | Size(bit) | Size(Byte) |
CHarecter | Char | 16 | 2 |
Byte | Byte | 8 | 1 |
Short | Short | 16 | 2 |
Integer | Int | 32 | 4 |
Float | FLoat | 32 | 4 |
Long | Long | 64 | 8 |
Double | Double | 64 | 8 |
Boolean | Boolean | 8 | 1 |
- Allowed in Variable: $ _
- Not Allowed: Start with Number
- Decimal Numbers: By Default Double
- To Declare Float: Mention 5.5f;
- To Long Number: Mention 50000000000l;
- Char ch = 'C';
- American Standard Code For Information Interchange:
- Implicit Convertion: Mean Java Do By Default.
Double d1 = 5; - Explicit Conversion: Type Casting: Changes ForceFully Done By Us. int k = (int)5.6 Byte - Char - Short - int - long - Float - Double
- Naming Convantion in Java: Specific Standards: Look Good, More Efficient, Readable
- In Java We Follow Camel-Casing Rule:
- Variable Name: sname, stockprice
- Method: Verb : actionPerformed(), run(), print(), write()
- Class Name: Noun : String, Integer, Student, Worker, Engineer, Person, Computer, HashMap
- Constructor: Car(), Run(), Swim()
- Interface Name: Adjective - able : Runable, Serializable, Remote, Readable
- Multiline Comment: /-----/
- Single Line Comment: //
- Operators:
- Arithmatic Operators:
- Bitwise Operators:
- Relational Operators:
- Logical Operators: