A high-speed student attendance system
An IoT attendance system that scans the student's fingerprint to mark him present. A Firebase Database stores the attendance.
Basic Idea:
- Professors connect their Andriod Phone to the Arduio using a Bluetooth using the mobile app.
- The Arduino is passed around in the classroom. Fingerprint Scanner attached to Arduino scans the student's fingerprint.
- Each fingerprint has an associated id, i.e, the student's roll number. It is sent to Arduino and then to Professor's mobile.
- The andriod app updates the attendance on Firebase.
The Andriod app can make a new class, register students for the class, take attendance, show defaulters, delete a class.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
- Install Arduiono IDE and Android Studio.
- Setup a Firebase connection with Android Studio.
- Clone the repository
Open folders in their respective environments.
Arduino Connections:
blueTooth tx - 10
blueTooth rx - 11
Adafruit rx - 2
Adafruit tx - 3
- Start your Ardunio and Android App.
- Connect them using bluetooth.
- Register a Class first: Class name, subject, students and their ids.
- Take attendance for that class.
- Check attendance.
- Delete the class at the end of semester.
- Arduino - The IoT device
- Android Studio - Mobile Application
- AdaFruit Fingerprint Sensor - Student Fingerprint Scanning
- Bluetooth - To make connections
Mail me - brainteaser97@gmail.com
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
- Those who marked me absent for not answering my roll-call.
- Solderer TV - Anatoliy
- Darshan, Sagar, Jay, Aditi