This is a repo which contains small projects implemented using HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript.
I have used many resources to complete these projects. I have mentioned them below too, as it would also helo you to learn and make the projects.
Thanks to all the resources!!! 😁🙌🏻
Quiz App - 10 JavaScript Projects in 10 Hours - Coding Challenge 🔥 (Florin Pop) -
Color Change - This project was done on my own without referring to any website!!
To Do App - This project is a basic to-do list app. We can add items, delete items, and cross items as we usually do in a to-do list. Reference for this app -
Random Quote Generator - In this project, I used my own custom CSS to style up the generator!! Referred the JS part from -
Toggle Light-Dark Mode - (Florin Pop) -
Hello, Name - This is a simple and fun project. Go check it out!!
Countdown Timer - A countdown timer made using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. - Link to the project
Harry Potter Quiz - A quiz app made using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. I referred this video -
Check out the projects here - !!
If you come across any bug/glitch, you can open up an issue.
Do star the repo if you find it useful!!