Create scanner for your IP:
from port_scanner import PortScanner
scanner = PortScanner('localhost')
Start scan process and save result:
result = scanner.scan(port_range, show_time=True, show_progress_bar=True)
result will be dictionary with keys:
- 'openned_ports': List[int];
- 'closed_ports': List[int];
- 'refused_ports': List[int] (These ports is open but refuse scanner connection);
- 'port_range' must be list or range object and not contain numbers less than 1 or more than 25565 (minimum and maximum port). Ports not in range will be ignored;
- 'show_time' if is True it will return 'time' key in result with datetime.timedelta, it is scanning time;
- 'show_progress_bar' if is True it will show TQDM progress bar in console;
It will show in console scan result by arguments:
'IP': str, 'port_range': list or range
from port_scanner import ScannerGUI
ScannerGUI( sys.argv[1], range(int(sys.argv[2]), int(sys.argv[3])) )
It will make console util, you can use it to call " port_scanner/ host start_port end_port " from console