A sophisticated AI assistant for stock market analysis and recommendations.
StockUP is a web application leveraging advanced AI algorithms to suggest optimal stock trading strategies. It offers users a comprehensive dashboard to track the performance of their stock portfolios. By utilizing the Google Gemeni AI library for predictive analytics and Plotly for interactive data visualization, StockUP empowers users to make informed investment decisions.
Disclaimer: This application is for educational and research purposes only. It is not intended to serve as investment advice. StockUP is not responsible for any losses or gains made while using this application.
- Frontend: Streamlit
- AI: Google Gemeni
- Package Management: Poetry
- Charting Library: Plotly
To get started with StockUP, follow these steps:
- Install Poetry:
pip install poetry
- Install project dependencies:
poetry install
Ensure the reliability of the application by running the following tests and checks:
- Execute unit tests:
pytest .
- Run code linters:
poetry run pylint .
- Run code formatter:
poetry run black .
- Execute pre-commit hooks:
poetry run pre-commit run --all-files
For deployment using Docker, execute these commands:
- Build the Docker image:
docker build -t stockup-app .
- Start the Docker container:
docker run -p 8501:8501 stockup-app