Converts procedurally images containers into CBZ files.
The function of this script is to convert an image container into a CBZ file (used for comics or mangas, readable on Ebooks and any devices with the good application).
You need to authorize the PowerShell scripts on your computer. Go to this URL if you don't know how:
You will need to install 7zip if not already installed. Go to this URL to install it:
WinRAR have compatibility problems with my Kobo: My Kobo says I need a password file to open the file. This problem does not occur with 7Zip.
Futhermore it is faster, more stable than WinRAR and Open-Source, hence free.
This script ZIPs all folders in the root folder of the script and changes their extension to .CBZ.
If you take this script into another one or a project, credits will be appreciated. Though it is not an obligation.