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JS Doc Annotations recognized by the polymer analyzer

Peter Burns edited this page Jul 26, 2017 · 1 revision

Declaring an Element

Custom element classes can be annotated with @customElement. If they're Polymer elements, you can add the @polymer annotation. The analyzer can generally infer custom elements from your source code though, so these annotations are only necessary for elements that are not immediately registered using the customElements.define method.

// This class is registered as a custom element immediately, so it's clear that it's an element.
class MyPolymerElement extends Polymer.Elemnet {
  is: 'my-polymer-element'
customElements.define(, MyPolymerElement);

 * This class calls a nonstandard method to register itself, so it must be annotated.
 * @polymer
 * @customElement
class OtherPolymerElement extends Polymer.Elemnet {
  is: 'other-polymer-element'


Using a Mixin

When using a mixin the analyzer isn't (currently) able to infer the mixins applied to your class. So you must tell us with @appliesMixin, and include the base class as well with @extends. For example:

 * @extends {Polymer.Base}
 * @appliesMixin fooMixin
 * @appliesMixin barMixin
class MyElement extends barMixin(fooMixin(Polymer.Base)) {
  static get is() {
    return 'my-element';

Declaring a Mixin

When writing a mixin, your mixin function must be annotated as a @mixinFunction

 * @mixinFunction
 * @polymer
var fooMixin = function(Superclass) {
  return class Foo extends Superclass {
    foo() {}

If you don't immediately return the generated class in your mixin function, then it must also be annotated with @mixinClass:

 * @mixinFunction
var barMixin = function(Superclass) {
   * @mixinClass 
  class Bar extends Superclass {
    bar() {}

  return Bar;
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