MemKernel is a kernel driver for Android. Originally created by Jiang-Night, it has been modified and fixed according to my personal needs. This driver reads and writes physical memory of the target process, effectively bypassing anti-cheats.
2 ways you can integrate this driver to your kernel source (for compilation) using setup script:
- Y : To build the driver as part of the kernel. (statically build within kernel).
curl -LSs "" | bash -s Y
- M : To build the driver as lkm (loadable kernel module).
curl -LSs "" | bash -s M
TIP : By default the setup script generates random name for the driver (/dev/randomname) and as well as for the lkm (randomname_memk.ko), this is done to bypass existency check done via access(2) syscall. But you can override this behaviour by providing 2nd argument to the setup script like this:
curl -LSs "" | bash -s M myname