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Silvio Endruhn edited this page Feb 8, 2020 · 29 revisions
  1. Install AHK (
  2. Download the latest release and extract the zip-file.
  3. Make sure to run PoE in (borderless) windowed mode. Otherwise it won't work!
  4. Run Run_TradeMacro.ahk.
  5. Default league is set to tmpstandard (Softcore Temp-League).
  6. A lot of options, including the league can be changed by opening the settings window or editing config_trade.ini.

Right-click the script icon in your system tray and select PoE Item Info Settings to open the settings window and to edit both PoE-ItemInfos and PoE-TradeMacros settings.


Shortcut Description
alt+c See item info (via PoE-ItemInfo).
alt+d Search item on
alt+shift+d Advanced item search (select mods).
alt+i Opens a text input where you can type an item name to search for.
alt+w Open the items wiki page.
alt+q Open the item search on instead of showing a tooltip with results.
alt+shift+q Open an item on
alt+e Show item age (own listed items if account name is specified in settings).
alt+l Switch leagues.
alt+r Copies an item note for premium tabs to your clipboard that creates a valid currency ratio on all trade sites.

Additional Macros

AdditionalMacros.txt allows you to add your own macros to be included in the script or to use some of the already created macros. Simply remove the comment by deleting the ; in front of a line.

You can edit/open this file by right clicking the TradeMacro system tray icon and selecting open -> AdditionalMacros.txt

Commandline arguments

TradeMacro supports passing arguments to the run script. There are multiple ways to do this:

  • By making a windows shortcut to Run_TradeMacro.ahk, right-clicking it, editing it's target field and adding for example -noelevation at the end.
  • By starting Run_TradeMacro.ahk via a batch script (or whatever language you want), for example:
cd /D "C:\Full\Path\To\Script\PoE-TradeMacro" 
start Run_TradeMacro.ahk -noelevation
Argument Description
-noelevation Skips elevating the script to use admin rights (not recommended).
-nosplash Skips the splash texts shown while starting the script.