2.0.0 - Some Legacy League support has to wait until the league is running
Added an auto-update function (Button on update window).
Added options to skip folder selection and backing up the install location when updating.
Improved the update window.
Moved config files and AdditionalMacros.txt to <WindowsUserFolder\Documents\PoE-TradeMacro> (depends on OS Version).
These files are only overwritten by script updates if they have to be (and backed up).
No more copy pasting config files from older installations or setting them all up again.
You can open this folder via script menu entry (system tray).
More details can be found on the Github Wiki FAQ page.
Renamed macro start scripts.
Added reload script menu entry (system tray) because the default one won't work.
Fixed an issue with negative mod values and the advanced search GUI (Ventors Gamble for example).
Legacy League (2.6) support, subject to testing/changes when the league has started.
Added support for multiple implicit mods to ItemInfo and TradeMacro (Talismans for example).