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Plague Fox edited this page Jan 10, 2024 · 8 revisions

Set up your routes

You can use an enum, make a few sealed classes, or both. This doesn't matter. A recommended and simple way is to get started with enums. Override a builder function to link your nodes and widgets. Optionally, set up a "title" field for any route.

enum Routes with OctopusRoute {
  home('home', title: 'Home'),
  gallery('gallery', title: 'Gallery'),
  picture('picture', title: 'Picture'),
  settings('settings', title: 'Settings');

  const Routes(, {this.title});

  final String name;

  final String? title;

  Widget builder(BuildContext context, OctopusState state, OctopusNode node) =>
      switch (this) {
        Routes.home => const HomeScreen(), => const GalleryScreen(),
        Routes.picture => PictureScreen(id: node.arguments['id']),
        Routes.settingsDialog => const SettingsDialog(),


Create an Octopus instance

Create a router instance. During main initialization or state of the root App widget. To do so, pass a list of all possible routes. Optionally, set a defaultRoute as a route by default.

router = Octopus(
  routes: Routes.values,
  defaultRoute: Routes.home,


Pass configuration

Add configuration from Octopus.config to the WidgetApp.router constructor.

  routerConfig: router.config,


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