Rust library for reading/writing NIfTI-1 (nii.gz) files, with SimpleITK/NiBabel-like APIs, native Rust support, and Python bindings for cross-language performance.
If you have used SimpleITK/NiBabel, you will definitely love this and get started right away! 🕶
🚀Pure Rust Implementation: Thanks to nifti-rs, I/O speed is comparable to SimpleITK and slightly faster than NiBabel.
✨ Carefully Designed API: Super easy to use, with no learning curve; enjoy a consistent experience in Rust as in Python. Ideal for developers familiar with ITK-style libraries.
🛠️Rust-Python bindings: Write heavy operations in Rust and easily call them in Python, combining the performance of Rust with the flexibility of Python.
For Rust projects, add the following to your Cargo.toml
nii-rs = "*"
For Python, install via pip:
pip install nii-rs
To start developing with nii-rs, use the following command:
maturin dev -r
For details, please refer to the rust examples and python examples。
use nii;
// read image
let im = nii::read_image::<f32>("test.nii.gz");
// get attrs, style same as SimpleITK
let spacing: [f32; 3] = im.get_spacing();
let origin: [f32; 3] = im.get_origin();
let direction: [[f32; 3]; 3] = im.get_direction();
// get affine, style same as nibabel
let affine = im.get_affine();
// get array, style same as SimpleITK, i.e.: [z, y, x]
let arr: &Array3<f32> = im.ndarray();
// write image
nii::write_image(&im, "result.nii.gz")
import nii
# read image
im = nii.read_image("test.nii.gz")
# get attrs, style same as like SimpleITK
spacing = im.get_spacing()
origin = im.get_origin()
direction = im.get_direction()
# get affine, style same as nibabel
affine = im.get_affine()
# get array, style same as SimpleITK, i.e.: [z, y, x]
arr = im.ndarray()
# write image
nii.write_image(im, "result.nii.gz")
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Apache License, Version 2.0
(See LICENSE-APACHE or visit
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Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in this project, as defined by the Apache License 2.0, will be dual-licensed under the above licenses without any additional terms or conditions.