POP3 protocol client latest release. Usage and full source code.
Submitted On | |
By | Tair Abdurman |
Level | Unknown |
User Rating | 4.2 (165 globes from 39 users) |
Compatibility | VB 5.0, VB 6.0 |
Category | Internet/ HTML |
World | Visual Basic |
Archive File |
'WS_POP3_Conn is winsock component variable
'pop3 session state after send LIST command
'full source code and usage paper you can find at
Case 4
WS_POP3_Conn.GetData inBuffer2, vbString
inBuffer = inBuffer & inBuffer2
If def_mail = 0 Then
'Answer on LIST command
If Right(inBuffer, 5) = CRLF_CRLF Then
'OK LIST response terminated
def_mail = def_mail + 1
Tmp_log.Text = Tmp_log.Text & "Parsing List Response" & CRLF
If Parse_LIST_Response(inBuffer) = 0 Then
Tmp_log.Text = Tmp_log.Text & "FOUND: " & mail_count & " mail(s)" & CRLF
outBuffer = "RETR " & def_mail & CRLF
Tmp_log.Text = Tmp_log.Text & "RETR " & def_mail & " COMMAND SENT" & CRLF
Cmd_First.Enabled = False
Cmd_Prev.Enabled = False
Cmd_Next.Enabled = False
Cmd_Last.Enabled = False
Cmd_GoTo.Enabled = False
outBuffer = "QUIT" & CRLF
Tmp_log.Text = Tmp_log.Text & "NO MAILS FOUND" & CRLF
Tmp_log.Text = Tmp_log.Text & "QUIT COMMAND SENT" & CRLF
Command_ID = 5
Tmp_log.Text = Tmp_log.Text & "cid=5" & CRLF
End If
Tmp_log.Text = Tmp_log.Text & "ibuffer=" & inBuffer
Tmp_log.Text = Tmp_log.Text & "obuffer=" & outBuffer
inBuffer = ""
WS_POP3_Conn.SendData outBuffer
Tmp_log.SelStart = Len(Tmp_log.Text) - 1
'EOF OK LIST response terminated
End If
'EOF Answer on LIST command
If def_mail < mail_count Then
'recive n mail
If Right(inBuffer, 5) = CRLF_CRLF Then
'OK n mail terminated
zu = Parse_Mail(inBuffer, def_mail)
def_mail = def_mail + 1
outBuffer = "RETR " & def_mail & CRLF
Tmp_log.Text = Tmp_log.Text & "RETR " & def_mail & " COMMAND SENT" & CRLF
inBuffer = ""
WS_POP3_Conn.SendData outBuffer
Tmp_log.SelStart = Len(Tmp_log.Text) - 1
'ok n mail recived
'EOF ok n mail recived
'fail n mail not recived
'EOF fail n mail not recived
'End If
'EOF OK n mail terminated
End If
'EOF recive n mail
'recive last mail
If Right(inBuffer, 5) = CRLF_CRLF Then
'OK last mail terminated
'If Left(inBuffer, 1) = "+" Then
'ok last mail recived no errors
zu = Parse_Mail(inBuffer, def_mail)
Tmp_log.Text = Tmp_log.Text & "cid=5" & CRLF
Tmp_log.Text = Tmp_log.Text & "Get Last Mail" & CRLF
Tmp_log.Text = Tmp_log.Text & "ibuffer=" & inBuffer
Tmp_log.Text = Tmp_log.Text & "obuffer=" & outBuffer
outBuffer = "QUIT" & CRLF
Tmp_log.Text = Tmp_log.Text & "QUIT COMMAND SENT" & CRLF
Command_ID = 5
Tmp_log.Text = Tmp_log.Text & "cid=5" & CRLF
inBuffer = ""
If mail_count > 1 Then
Cmd_First.Enabled = False
Cmd_Prev.Enabled = False
Cmd_Next.Enabled = True
Cmd_Last.Enabled = True
Cmd_GoTo.Enabled = True
End If
Lbl_Mail_Count.Caption = "of " & mail_count
Load_Fields 1
txt_Position.Text = "1"
WS_POP3_Conn.SendData outBuffer
Tmp_log.Text = Tmp_log.Text & "QUIT COMMAND SENT" & CRLF
Tmp_log.SelStart = Len(Tmp_log.Text) - 1
'EOF ok last mail recived no errors
'last mail recived with errors
' MsgBox "last mail recived with errors."
' Command_ID = 5
'EOF last mail recived with errors
'End If
'EOF OK last mail terminated
End If
'recive last mail
End If
End If