Strips any HTML tags from a string and returns the results. I use this for data that users submit through forms to prevent them from using HTML.
asHTML - the string that may contain HTML code
This function assumes that you have vbScript 5.0 or higher installed.
Returns a string that has been stripped of HTML code.
Your page will come up with errors if you do not have vbScript 5.0 or higher installed on your server (or on the client browser if that is where it is being used)
Submitted On | |
By | Lewis E. Moten III |
Level | Intermediate |
User Rating | 5.0 (10 globes from 2 users) |
Compatibility | ASP (Active Server Pages), VbScript (browser/client side) |
Category |Validation/ Processing World |ASP / VbScript Archive File |
Copyright (C) 1999, Lewis Moten. All rights reserved.
' Requires VBScript 5.0 installed on the server.
Function StripHTML(ByRef asHTML)
Dim loRegExp ' Regular Expression Object
' Create built in Regular Expression object
Set loRegExp = New RegExp
' Set the pattern to look for HTML tags
loRegExp.Pattern = "<[^>]*>"
' Return the original string stripped of HTML
StripHTML = loRegExp.Replace(asHTML, "")
' Release object from memory
Set loRegExp = Nothing
End Function