Xao Xiong originally posted his version
of DecodeURL and asked for a reply for
a better way. I replied, but it didn't
turn out too well, so i'm posting it here
for him to see.
The approach i took is that when you look
at an encoded URL string, 2 hex characters
follow a percent sign. XAO listed a few
to translate into actual characters, but
he didn't account for all 256 of them.
Check it out!
See http://www.planetsourcecode.com/xq/ASP/
Submitted On | |
By | Lewis E. Moten III |
Level | Intermediate |
User Rating | 4.6 (41 globes from 9 users) |
Compatibility | ASP (Active Server Pages) |
Category | Strings |
World | ASP / VbScript |
Archive File |
Response.Write DecodeURL("http://www.lewismoten.com/1%2B2%3D3.asp")
Function DecodeURL(ByRef pstrURL)
Dim llngIndex
Dim llngMaxIndex
Dim lstrChar
Dim lstrResult
llngMaxIndex = Len(pstrURL)
llngIndex = 1
Do While llngIndex <= llngMaxIndex
lstrChar = Mid(pstrURL, llngIndex, 1)
If lstrChar = "%" Then
lstrResult = lstrResult & chr("&h" & Mid(pstrURL, llngIndex + 1, 2))
llngIndex = llngIndex + 3
ElseIf lstrChar = "+" Then
lstrResult = lstrResult & " "
llngIndex = llngIndex + 1
lstrResult = lstrResult & lstrChar
llngIndex = llngIndex + 1
End If
DecodeURL = lstrResult
End Function