Shows HTML... For example, if you use it on "< b>blah< /b>" it would prinkt BLAH in bold letters.
So far only supports bold, italic and underline html tags... I dont wnat to work on this anymore, i was bored when i made this. heh
Picturebox, html code
Rendered Html onto the picturebox.
Submitted On | |
By | Dan Ushman |
Level | Intermediate |
User Rating | 5.0 (10 globes from 2 users) |
Compatibility | VB 3.0, VB 4.0 (16-bit), VB 4.0 (32-bit), VB 5.0, VB 6.0 |
Category | Internet/ HTML |
World | Visual Basic |
Archive File |
' A simple demo on how to write a HTML renderer.
' written by Dan Ushman <>
' Please visit Refsoft at
' This code is free. It is not restricted in ANY way
' you can use it, take credit for it, do what ever you want
' with it. I honestly don't care.
' I know its not perfect, but I did not spend to much
' time on it. I wrote this in 10 minutes one night
' when I was bored.
' Anyway, please E-mail me and tell me what you think
' And...
' Enjoy,
' Dan Ushman - -
Option Explicit 'Many programmers do not use this. What they dont know is
'weather or not they declare there variables can and will
'have a large effect on how much memory your program will use
'and how stable it will be. I recommend that every one
'use this line of code, and declare every variable they use
'I learned this the hard way, while writting Uut I was wondering why
'it took so much ram... Well , thats all.
Sub RenderHTML(pic As PictureBox, html As String)
' Always declare variables
Dim lentext As Integer
Dim html_loop_1 As Integer 'The main loop
Dim html_loop_2 As Integer 'Secondary loop
Dim html_pos_1 As Integer 'Opening carret
Dim html_pos_2 As Integer 'Closing carret
Dim str_html As String 'The copy of the original HTML string
Dim html_tag As String 'Stores the tag...
Dim html_text As String 'Stores the text to be modified by the tags
Dim cur_char As String 'Used in the loops, one char at a time
Dim open_c As Boolean 'Is it an opening carret?
Dim close_c As Boolean 'Is it a closing carret?
' Get the length of the HTML and some other things...
lentext = Len(html) 'The length of the HTML string
str_html = html 'The copy of the original HTML string
' Loop though the HTML
For html_loop_1 = 1 To lentext 'The main loop
html_pos_1 = InStr(str_html, "<") 'Find the locations of the Opening and Closing carrets
html_pos_2 = InStr(str_html, ">")
cur_char = Mid(str_html, html_loop_1, 1) 'Go though the HTML byte by byte
If cur_char = "<" Then 'Is it an openning carret?
open_c = True
close_c = False
html_tag = "" 'Clear the tag variable, for now.
ElseIf cur_char = ">" Then 'Maby not...
open_c = False
close_c = True
If InStr(html_tag, "<") Then
html_tag = Right(html_tag, Len(html_tag) - InStr(html_tag, "<"))
End If
End If
If open_c = True And close_c = False Then 'If the carret is currently open...
html_tag = html_tag & cur_char 'combine all the chrs after it until the carret closes...
End If 'I am very sure there are tons of better ways to do this,
'but this works fine.
If close_c = True And open_c = False Then
If Not cur_char = "<" And Not cur_char = ">" Then
html_text = html_text & cur_char 'Add each char together aslong as its not a carret (both kinds) or
End If 'part of a tag. This part could use some work, its not perfect and is rather buggy.
End If
'So far this little project of mine only supports BOLD, ITALIC and UNDERLINE HTML tags. I may or may not
'add more support. I am lazy, so don't bet your dinner.
If close_c = True And open_c = False Then
html_tag = LCase(html_tag) 'Make sure the tag is lowercase.
Select Case html_tag 'Start going though the tag, and doing what it wants us to do
Case Is = "b"
pic.FontBold = True 'If the tag is on, make the text bold, else dont...
Case Is = "i"
pic.FontItalic = True
Case Is = "u"
pic.FontUnderline = True
Case Is = "/b"
pic.FontBold = False
Case Is = "/i"
pic.FontItalic = False
Case Is = "/u"
pic.FontUnderline = False
End Select
pic.Print html_text;
html_text = "" 'Clear the variables when we are done.
html_tag = ""
End If
Next html_loop_1 'And we are on our way... again.
End Sub