This code shows your visitors the Basic Authentication dialog (or NT Login Dialog)
It also returns the password and the username
If you like it, please vote for this 16 year old programmer :o)
In the dialog the username and password (/and domain)
Paste it and run it. It does not verify any usernames or so.
The password and username given by the visitors of your site
Protects your site :o))
Submitted On | |
By | Almar Joling |
Level | Beginner |
User Rating | 4.6 (128 globes from 28 users) |
Compatibility | ASP (Active Server Pages) |
Category | Security |
World | ASP / VbScript |
Archive File |
The Base64 decryption algorithm I used came from Showing the dialog is completely by me
Response.Buffer = True
Dim Myname, MyPass
GetUser Myname, MyPass
Response.Write MyName & "->" & MyPass
if len(Myname) = 0 then
Response.Status = "401 Unauthorized"
Response.AddHeader "WWW-Authenticate","BASIC Realm=enter your realm here"
End If
Dim UP, Pos, Auth
Auth = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_AUTHORIZATION")
If LCase(Left(Auth, 5)) = "basic" Then
UP = Base64Decode(Mid(Auth, 7))
Pos = InStr(UP, ":")
If Pos > 1 Then
LOGON_USER = Left(UP, Pos - 1)
End If
End If
End Sub
' Decodes a base-64 encoded string.
Function Base64Decode(base64String)
Const Base64CodeBase = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"
Dim dataLength, Out, groupBegin
dataLength = Len(base64String)
Out = ""
If dataLength Mod 4 <> 0 Then
Err.Raise 1, "Base64Decode", "Bad Base64 string."
Exit Function
End If
' Now decode each group:
For groupBegin = 1 To dataLength Step 4
Dim numDataBytes, CharCounter, thisChar, thisData, groupData
' Each data group encodes up To 3 actual bytes.
numDataBytes = 3
groupData = 0
For CharCounter = 0 To 3
' <B>Convert</B> each character into 6 bits of data, And add it To
' an integer For temporary storage. If a character is a '=', there
' is one fewer data byte. (There can only be a maximum of 2 '=' In
' the whole string.)
thisChar = Mid(base64String, groupBegin + CharCounter, 1)
If thisChar = "=" Then
numDataBytes = numDataBytes - 1
thisData = 0
thisData = InStr(Base64CodeBase, thisChar) - 1
End If
If thisData=-1 Then
Err.Raise 2, "Base64Decode", "Bad character In Base64 string."
Exit Function
End If
groupData = 64 * groupData + thisData
' Convert 3-byte integer into up To 3 characters
Dim OneChar
For CharCounter = 1 To numDataBytes
Select Case CharCounter
Case 1: OneChar = groupData \ 65536
Case 2: OneChar = (groupData And 65535) \ 256
Case 3: OneChar = (groupData And 255)
End Select
Out = Out & Chr(OneChar)
Base64Decode = Out
End Function