Welcome to the myFlix movie app front-end! This project is designed to work alongside the movie-api repository, which can be found here https://github.com/PlaidPeacoat/movie-api. myFlix is a web application created for movie enthusiasts, providing them with an interactive platform to browse, search, and discover movies. In addition, users can create a profile and manage their favorite movies.
The objective of this project was to build the client-side of the myFlix app using React, based on its existing server-side code (REST API and database). The goal was to create a seamless user experience by combining server-side and client-side development and in conjuction with the other half of the project as previously mentioned specifically utilizes the MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, and Node.js) stack.
- User registration and authentication
- Browse and search movie catalog
- View movie details
- Add and remove movies from a list of favorites
- Responsive design for various devices and screen sizes
- React
- React Router
- React Bootstrap