A Odin command line argument parser, loosely based on the getopts_long.
Checking the test.odin file is probably the easiest way to see how it works in action!
Init and Deinit the Options pointer.
Add arguments as required
will then parse the args into the options pointer.
It will parse the following formats:
-f 1
--flag value
-flag value
opts := init_opts()
defer deinit_opts(&opts)
{ // Scoping for easy scope of using.
using optarg_opt
add_arg(&opts, "flag", .NO_ARGUMENT)
add_arg(&opts, "opt-argument", .OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT)
add_arg(&opts, "required", .REQUIRED_ARGUMENT)
add_arg(&opts, "h", .NO_ARGUMENT, "help") // Alternative name // long_opt
add_arg(&opts, "m", .OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, "my_flag_here")
getopt_long(os.args, &opts)
// Parse opts:
for opt in opts.opts {
if ! opt.set do continue // allows to skip non set options.
switch opt.name { // name will always be set, don't have to check both
case "flag":
// Something
case "required":
// Something else
// default? Usage!
Just open a PR or an issue!
Am always open to any improvements people might want think of!