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5. FIS interface user manual

PhotonicsOpenProjects edited this page Nov 28, 2023 · 5 revisions

FIS simple interface


This interface makes it easy and quick to launch a FIS measurement. unlike the expert mode interface, upon startup the detection and connection to the spectrometer is managed automatically. In addition, the integration time for the measurement is also established automatically.

1. selection of the Acquisition or VI interface tab. For the VI interface tab see here

2. This drop-down menu allows you to select the pattern base you want to use for the acquisition of the hypercube. It is possible to implement new pattern bases. For more information on this see here.

3. This field is used to enter the spatial resolution of the hypercube that will be measured.

4. This button is used to launch the measurement of the hypercube

5. This slot contains the rendered RGB image of the hypercube once it has been measured

6. This switch allows you to change the display of the hypercube either from its spatial spectrum or from its rendering in RGB image.

FIS expert interface

Acquisition tab

1: This menu allows you to navigate between three tabs:

  • Acquisition is used to configure and launch an acquisition of a hypercube.
  • Hypercube analysis allows to visualize, process and analyze a hypercube
  • VI analysis is a tab that allows you to perform index calculations on a hypercube

2: Two acquisition modes can be used:

  • Simple mode makes it possible to launch an acquisition quickly with a minimum of measurement parameters to be set.
  • expert mode allows a greater choice of measurement parameters

3: This drop-down menu is used to select the brand of spectrometer used. It is possible to add new spectrometer models if they can be interfaced in python and have performance compatible with the ONE-PIX kit. For more information see here.

4: This button launches the connection of the spectrometer with the ONE-PIX kit. This step is to be carried out before starting the acquisition.

5: This drop-down menu allows you to select the pattern base you want to use for the acquisition of the hypercube. It is possible to implement new pattern bases. For more information on this see here.

6: If the simple mode (see 2) is activated the integration time will be automatically determined by the ONE-PIX kit. If the expert mode is used, it is possible to enter the integration time used by the spectrometer of the ONE-PIX kit.

7: This field is used to enter the spatial resolution of the hypercube that will be measured.

8: This button is used to launch the measurement of the hypercube

9: Hypercube measurement progress bar

10: This slot contains the rendered RGB image of the hypercube once it has been measured

11: This switch allows you to change the display of the hypercube either from its spatial spectrum or from its rendering in RGB image.

Hypercube analysis

FIS expert interface

1: Load data button allows to load a hypercube in the analysis tab.

2: Clear all button Used to remove the hypercube being analyzed from the interface.

3: Location of the RGB rendering of the hypercube after it is loaded.

4: Switch allowing to visualize either the spatial spectrum of the hypercube or its rendering in RGB.

5: Location of scan results.

6: This space is used to select pixels on the RGB rendering of the hypercube to plot the corresponding spectra:

  • The field on the right is used to enter the number of pixels to select
  • Draw spectrum button launches the pixel selection.

7: This space is used to spectrally trim the hypercube by entering :

  • the minimum spectral band in the left field
  • the maximum in the right field.
  • apply the spectral trim by clicking on the trim spectra button.

8: Normalization button is used to spectrally normalize the hypercube. By clicking on the button a window will allow to select a spatial zone of the hypercube containing the reference. The set of spectra of the hypercube will be divided by the average spectrum of this area.

Note: if you wish to use this feature, it is necessary to position a reference in the field of the ONE-PIX kit

9: This space allows for unsupervised segmentation of the hypercube by performing a PCA on the hypercube and clustering with the kmeans method:

  • The first PCA dim field is used to set the number of dimensions used by the PCA.
  • The clusters field is used to define the number of classes resulting from the segmentation. The button is used to launch the segmentation.

10: this space makes it possible to spectrally smooth the hypercube :

  • The boxcar width field allows you to enter the number of points used for smoothing this number must be odd.
  • The poly order field is used to enter the degree of the polynomial used for smoothing.
  • The smoothing button allows you to perform the spectral smoothing of the hypercube.

11: Save button is used to save the hypercube after processing.

VI analysis

FIS VI interface

1: This space makes it possible to load the spectral sensitivity bands of the satellite from which the index calculations on the hypercube will be carried out. To do this, click on the explore button to select the csv file in which the sensitivity spectral bands are stored. By default the sentinel satellite sensitivity bands are stored at the root of the band selection window in the Sentinel2B.csv file.

2: this space is used to select the hypercube on which the index calculation will be performed to do this, click on the explore button and select the folder containing the hypercube

3: the plot indices button is used to launch the index calculation on the hypercube from the sensitivity spectral bands of the previously selected satellite

4: this space makes it possible to visualize in 6 the spectral bands of the hypercube. The left drop-down menu allows you to select the desired spectral band and the right slider bar allows you to scroll through the visualization of the spectral bands

5: This space allows you to filter the index mappings by displaying only those which contain information. The type of filtering by entropy or variance can be chosen via the drop-down menu and the right field allows you to enter the threshold value.

6: hypercube spectral band display space

7: hypercube index mapping display space

8: space allowing you to choose the index mapping to display in 7. The left drop-down menu allows you to select an specific index and the right sliding bar allows you to scroll through the index mappings

9: this drop-down menu allows you to select the indices by type of application

10: This space allows you to save the index mappings obtained. By clicking on the save option button it is possible to configure the backup by choosing the backup format and the backup folder. To start the save click on the save button