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nvim-cmp source for math calculations using Reverse Polish Notation

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An nvim-cmp source for math calculations using Reverse Polish Notation


Use your favorite plugin manager. If you don't have one, try one of these: vim-pathogen, vim-plug, Packer.nvim or lazy.nvim. Alternatively, you can use packages and submodules, as Greg Hurrell (@wincent) describes in his excellent Youtube video: Vim screencast #75: Plugin managers


There is no setup required specifically for this plugin; however, you need to add rpncalc to the list of sources in your nvim-cmp setup. The following snippet shows how to do that.

require'cmp'.setup {
  sources = {
    { name = 'rpncalc' }   -- Add this to the sources list.

How Does RPN Work?

RPN is a mathematical notation in which an operator follows its operand(s). This means there is no need for parentheses. Here are some examples, comparing algebraic notation to RPN.

Algebraic This plugin's version of RPN
$73 + 37=110$ 73 37 +
$462\div11=42$ 462 11 /
$\lvert((1+2)\times(3-4))^5\rvert=243$ 1 2 + 3 4 - * 5 ** abs
$\tan^{-1}(\frac{1}{\sqrt{3}})=30^\circ$ 1 3 sqrt / atan deg
3 sqrt \ atan deg
For $a=\frac{\sqrt{7}}{4}$, $48a^2-\frac{98}{a^4}=-491$ 7 sqrt 4 / sto 2 ** 48 * 98 rcl 4 ** / -
Euler's Identity: $e^{i\pi}+1=0$ e i pi * ** 1 +
Round-off error gives an answer that's almost exact: $0+1.2246467991474*10^{-16}i$

Reading an RPN expression from left to right, numbers are placed on a stack. The top four numbers are labeled X, Y, Z, and T from the top down. These labels are not shown when using the plugin, but they are referenced in the README and the documentation. When an operator is encountered, one or more numbers (as needed by the operator) are popped from the stack, and the result of the operation is pushed back onto the stack.

Complex Numbers

Most of the operators will work on complex numbers. The following Wikipedia pages were used as reference for some of the more arcane complex number calculations: logarithms, exponentiation, ordinary trig functions, inverse trig functions, hyperbolic trig functions, inverse hyperbolic trig functions. Where the complete answer is an infinte number of values, only the principal value is given.


Operands can take on any of these forms:

  • Decimal (base 10): integer 42, float -3.14, or scientific notation 6.02e23
  • Binary (base 2): 0b prefix, followed by digits 0 and 1.
  • Hexadecimal (base 16): 0x prefix, followed by digits 0-9 or letters a-f or A-F.
  • Complex: an ordered pair of numbers in any of the prior formats. For example,
    1.2e-4,0x43 equates to 0.00012+67i in decimal notation.


The Domain column in the following table indicates the types of numbers that are valid for each operator. The possible domains are:

  • ℕatural - non-negative integers
  • ℝeal - real numbers (includes ℕatural)
  • ℂomplex - complex numbers (includes ℝeal and ℕatural)
Operator Function Domain

Basic Arithmetic
+ Addition ℂomplex
- Subtraction ℂomplex
* Multiplication ℂomplex
/ Division ℂomplex
div Integer division ℂomplex
% Modulus (not well-defined for negatives) ℝeal
abs Absolute value ℂomplex
arg Argument (the angle between X and the positive real axis) ℂomplex
chs Change Sign (negation) ℂomplex

Powers & Logs
** Raise Y to the X power ℂomplex
\ Reciprocal ℂomplex
exp Raise e to the X power ℂomplex
ln Natural Log of X ℂomplex
log Log (base 10) of X ℂomplex
log2 Log (base 2) of X ℂomplex
sqrt Square Root ℂomplex

Trigonometry Variations are: a... for inverse and ...h for hyperbolic
sin Sine, asin, sinh, asinh ℂomplex
cos Cosine, acos, cosh, acosh ℂomplex
tan Tangent, atan, tanh, atanh ℂomplex
csc Cosecant, acsc, csch, acsch ℂomplex
sec Secant, asec, sech, asech ℂomplex
cot Cotangent, acot, coth, acoth ℂomplex

floor Round down to nearest integer ℂomplex
ceil Round up to nearest integer ℂomplex
round Round up or down to nearest integer ℂomplex
trunc Round toward zero to nearest integer ℂomplex

Bitwise Non-integer operands will be truncated.
& AND     $0b1100\text{ AND }0b1010=0b1000$     $12\text{ AND }10=8$ ℕatural
| OR     $0b1100\text{ OR }0b1010=0b1110$     $12\text{ OR }10=14$ ℕatural
^ XOR     $0b1100\text{ XOR }0b1010=0b0110$     $12\text{ XOR }10=6$ ℕatural
~ NOT     $\text{NOT }0b1010=-0b1011$     $\text{NOT }10=-11$
All bits are flipped, and a two's complement conversion of the result is displayed.
$58 = 0b00111010$
$\text{[NOT}\rightarrow\text{] } = 0b11000101$
$\text{[2's complement}\rightarrow\text{] } = -2^7+2^6+2^2+2^0=-128+64+4+1=-59$
<< Left Shift (Y shifted X bits)     ${0b1\overleftarrow{11}}^{\text{ }2}=0b11100$     $\overleftarrow{7}^2=28$ ℕatural
>> Right Shift (Y shifted X bits)     ${0b110\overrightarrow{100}}^{\text{ }3}=0b110$     $\overrightarrow{52}^3=6$ ℕatural

! Factorial of X     $X!=\prod_{i=1}^{X}{i}$ ℕatural
perm Permutation of Y things taken X at a time     $_YP_X={\frac{Y!}{(Y-X)!}}$ ℕatural
comb Combination of Y things taken X at a time     $_YC_X={\frac{Y!}{X!(Y-X)!}}$ ℕatural
n Sample size (size of the stack) ℂomplex
mean Average of all numbers on the stack.     $\bar{x}={\frac{1}{n}}{\sum_{i=1}^n{x_i}}$ ℂomplex
sum Sum of all numbers on the stack     $\sum_{i=1}^n{x_i}$ ℂomplex
ssq Sum of squares of all numbers on the stack     $\sum_{i=1}^n{x_i}^2$ ℂomplex
std Sample standard deviation of all numbers on the stack     $s=\sqrt{\frac{{\sum_{i=1}^{n}(x_i-\bar{x})^2}}{n-1}}$ ℝeal

hrs Convert (Z hours:Y minutes:X seconds) to X hours ℝeal
hms Convert X hours to (Z hours:Y minutes:X seconds) ℝeal
gcd Greatest Common Divisor of X and Y ℕatural
lcm Least Common Multiple of X and Y ℕatural
dec Print result in decimal (base 10) ℂomplex
hex Print result in hexadecimal (base 16) $^*$ ℂomplex
bin Print result in binary (base 2) $^*$ ℂomplex
$^*$ Non-integer values are truncated. Negatives are formatted as human readable:
as opposed to
$0b1...1111111111111111111111111101001$ or $0x\text{F...FFFFFE9}$

pi Ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter     $\pi={3.1415926535898...}$ ℝeal
e Euler's number     $e=\sum_{i=0}^\infty{\frac{1}{i!}}=2.7182818284590...$ ℝeal
phi The golden ratio     $\phi={\frac{\sqrt{5}+1}{2}}=1.6180339887499...$ ℝeal
i The imaginary unit number     $i={\sqrt{-1}}$ ℂomplex

Memory and Stack Manipulation
sto Store the value of X to memory ℂomplex
rcl Recall the value in memory to the stack ℂomplex
m+ Add X to the value in memory ℂomplex
m- Subtract X from the value in memory ℂomplex
xy Swap X and Y on the stack ℂomplex
x Place the value of X from the last operation back on the stack ℂomplex
drop Remove X from the stack ℂomplex

Disclaimer ⚠

The author of this plugin makes no warranties about the completeness, reliability or accuracy of this calculator. Any action you take upon the results you get from it is strictly at your own risk. The author will not be liable for any losses and/or damages in connection with the use of this calculator.

Feedback 📣

This was mainly an exercise to learn lua, and to write a Neovim plugin by porting my prior Ruby and Erlang rpn calculators. It's quite possible that computational errors made their way in, despite all efforts to ensure the plugin's accuracy. If you spot any errors, or have suggestions for improvements, new operators, etc., create an issue or a pull request.

Finally, I don't know how useful some of the complex number functions are. It was a fun exercise implementing them, but was it just that - an exercise? Leave a comment if you know of any real-world use (pun intended) for perhaps, the inverse hyperbolic cotangent of a complex number.


nvim-cmp source for math calculations using Reverse Polish Notation







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