Project Link:
You ever want to run a marathon, but start to get nervous, thinking "Am I ready yet?". Well guess what? We are here to help! We built this project to help all types of runners locate those races that they have time to be ready for based on their running experience, activity level, age, and our special fitness calculation algorithm. With this web app, we remove the headache of sifting through the available races and only show the what you have time to train for.
Check out our live site here:
- Pull the Github Repo
- Go to the repository at this link:
- Click the green "Code" button to
- Choose the wanted cloning method
- Ex for ssh copy:
- Connect to wanted IDE
- Ex for Intellij: Select File -> New -> Project from version control -> Paste copied ssh info into the url
- Create an file in the src.main.resources directory
- Register at to obtain an API key, then add it to the file
- Check the in the resources folder to verify syntax
- Setup up the application properties with mysql information
- Use the as a reference on how to set up application properties
- Ensure to replace the USERNAME, PASSWORD, & DATABASE_DB with your local information
Register a User: The first recommended step is to create a new user
- The About, FAQ, Home, Login, and Register page are available without a profile
- The Race Search and Profile page need a registered user to access
- Go to the register page
- There are links available on the home page and on the navbar
- Fill in the respective user information and submit Race Search: Bookmark Races to track
- Select a race distance, radius, and zipcode
- If no results appear, try some of the following
- increasing the radius
- changing the race distance
- Go to the profile page and increase the value of the Activity Level and/or Running Experience by clicking the "Fitness Edit button" Profile: Here you can delete bookmarked races, edit zipcode, and add comments to bookmarked races
- If no results appear, try some of the following
- The red trashcan button will delete a race
- The location edit will change the zipcode
- The Race comments will display current comments and allow the adding of more comments
- Alexia Briones:
- Chase Medford:
- Joe Garcia:
- Kenneth Hayles:
- Robert Arroyos:
Third-party assets:
- Race Information API:
- Image File Saving API:
- Thank you to our instructors at Codeup:
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2023 Joe Garcia, Kenneth Hayles, Robert Arroyos, Chase Medford, Alexia Briones
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.