Releases: Petschko/Java-RPG-Maker-MV-Decrypter
Version 0.4.2 Alpha (With Re-Encryption)
INFORMATION: All future Updates are now on GitLab.
Sorry for the long wait, I was a bit busy doing other stuff, but I finally added a lot of requested features^^
- Maven Build-Tool integration (Works fully now)
- Open RPG-Project from current Dir
- Open RPG-Project from current Dir & Decrypt
- Open RPG-Project from current Dir & Encrypt
- Change Output Dir to current Dir
- CLI: Support for relative Directories, such as "." (This Dir)
- More checks precise checks to find out of a Game-Project is encrypted or not
- Encrypt-Menu
- Encrypt all Files to MV
- Encrypt all Files to MZ
- Version is inserted by now from the Manifest
- Disabled Update-Check if no Version-Number exists (Usually in Dev-Run)
- Update & Links to GitHub changed to GitLab
- Decryption: More checks, so only Encrypted files will be decrypted
- Restoring: More checks, so only Encrypted-Images will be restored
- Encryption: More checks, so only Encrypt-able files will be encrypted
- Also added exceptions, since some files are never encrypted
- All Files (Encrypted and Resource-Files) are now loaded when a Project is opened
- More checks, so only successful encrypted Files are saved
- Decryption-Worker class
- Enabled "Extract Key-From File" in Decrypt, Encrypt and Tools Menu
- Main-Window is now centered on launch and bigger
- File-Chooser Window for "Open RPG-Project" is now centered when opening
- Re-Enabled Horizontal Scrollbar in File-List
- Updated dependency to fix security issue
- Empty Menu Entries in Encrypt-Menu
INFORMATION: All future Updates are now on GitLab.
Small fixes/additions for Version 0.4.0 features
- Disable Menu-Points when there are no files for these operations
- Header-Len to Project-Info
- Option to change Header-Values
- Blue text on Project-Info if default values are overwritten
- If no Key was detected, the Program asks the User if it should detect Key from image-Files
- Vanished Menu for Key-Adding & Header-Values modify
- Null-Pointer exception ( d5e25ff )
- Some optimizations
GUI actually displays a bit
In this release the Main Focus is that the GUI displays a bit to the User... Well also a dozen of Code-Cleanups & Restructure!
- File-List (Inspiration from one of the Forks: )
- Decryption Menu is disabled when no Project is selected
- Project-Info (Key, Files etc)
- Closing a selected RPG-Project
- Creation of own output folder if it does not exists
- Code-Restrucuture (Splitet GUI and CMD Classes in their own Packages)
- Author JavaDoc-Comments
- Changed all Constant names to UPPER-CASE
- #11
- "Restore images" is no longer 2 times called
Added Update-Functionallity
While updating this Program was until today rather pesky. You had to do it manually, it was pretty bad if I had to do hotfixes.
People still using old Versions, because they don't know that there is a fix/new Version with new features. So I hope this will fix this issue =)
- Update check (On Start)
- This can turned off
- Update check and info when using CMD
- Manual Update (check) in: Info -> Check for Updates
- Update check Cache, to reduce load time (Important on CMD)
- Option to turn off Auto-Update check under: Options -> Auto check for Updates
- Update Program via GUI
- Update Program via CMD
java -jar "RPG Maker MV Decrypter.jar" update
- "Show whats new" shows changes of the new Version
- Also available in CMD via
java -jar "RPG Maker MV Decrypter.jar" update whatsnew
- Also available in CMD via
- Donation Link in: Info -> About
- Some Code-Optimizations
Added improved CMD-Support
The Command-Line integration was pretty bad so far, I did something about it.. I added also some new features to it.
- Encryption for CMD
- Restore Images for CMD
- Detect Key for CMD
- More params for CMD Decryption:
- Verify RPG-Maker dir
- Ignore fake-Header
- Manual set a Key
- All header value params
- Donation Link to readme
- Let use more params on CMD Decrypt
- Improved CMD Help a lot
- About Logo
- Readme was updated
Added keyless Image Restoring
Well I added the support, that you can restore images with this program too (without the encryption key)
- Keyless Image Restoring (
Added Support for RPG-Maker MZ
I didn't noticed there is a new RPG-Maker, called "RPG-Maker MZ" which uses the same encryption as RPG-Maker MV, so I added the support for these files as well!^^
I didn't planed to update this project much, but it was a minor change so I added it for you
- Support for RPG-Maker MZ Files (
- Removed sun Annotations useage. See: c984bfa
- Minor Code-Optimizations
- Null-Pointer Exception log-spam. See: b76a403
Changed some default Config-Values and Warn on specific Actions
I heared it more often that some people select their Desktops or different Directories with important Data as Output Directory....
By default my Program clears the Output dir (Including all Sub-Dirs) this is changed now, so that it can't happen so often that people lose their Data.
- Default Config-Value "Clear output Dir before decrypt" from true to false
- A warning on changing Output-Directory while the option Clear output Dir before decrypt is turned on
First draft with fixed Option-Switching
I fixed a Bug in this Version:
-> Options can only switched 1 time after Program-Start
I added in this Version:
-> Check if RPG-Maker Directory is valid
-> Enabled the option to dis/enable the RPG-Maker dir validation
I also included the About-Window... Its not so important but its done now.
I had also included many Libs that I will use in further Versions so yeah its a little step forward
Please Download this Version, because that Bug with the Options is really bad >.<
If you want to see the current functions of this Program look here:
First working Version (GUI & CMD)
This Version allows you to Decrypt whole RPG-Maker-MV Directories without selecting each file (like in My Java-Script-Version).
You can use CMD or GUI to decrypt them (See readme how to start CMD-Version).
Please note that's just a Pre-Release so it has only the Basic-Functions! It will not show you much Informations on the GUI (It not shows you the Project-Files nor the File-Info)... But it works pretty well for the Basic-Part.
What can this Program do at this state?
- Able to specify an Output-Directory (CMD & GUI)
- Able to select an RPG-Project-Directory (CMD & GUI)
- Able to detect the Encryption-Key(File) by itself (CMD & GUI)
- Able to detect Encrypted Files by itself (CMD & GUI)
- Able to decrypt ALL Files by itself (CMD & GUI)
- Able to save the Files by itselfto the Output Directory and keep the Directory structure (CMD & GUI)
- Show Decryption-Status with a Progress-Bar (GUI)
- Show Files which are Decrypted (GUI & CMD)
- Able to verify the Fake-Header (GUI)
- Able to clear th Output-Directory before Decrypt new (GUI)
- Able to setup: (GUI only)
- Ignore-Fake-Header - Yes/No
- Clearing Output-Directory before decrypting - Yes/No
- Overwrite Existing Files, if Output Directory will not cleared before - Yes/No
- Able to open RPG-Project-Directory and Output-Directory in Explorer (GUI)
- Manually clear Output-Directory (GUI)
- Go to Bug-Reporting-Website (GUI)
What is not implemented yet or will not work?
- Show the Current Decryption-Key
- Change the Current-Decryption-Key(File)
- Change Decrypter-Settings
- Enable/Disable "Load Invalid RPG-Maker MV Dirs" - Option -> It loads every dir atm
- Decrypt only selected Files
- Show Project-Files
- Show File-Information
- Restore-Project
- Help-Page
- About-Page