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This is a CocoaPod project that supplies lightweight Swift extensions and allows developers to take any UIView object and call "onGesture" methods such as 'onClick', 'onSwipe' etc. It's similar to the usage of View in Android SDK, which we call the 'setOnClickListener' method. Very easy to adopt and use.


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Swift 4 compatible Platform License: MIT (use it and modify it freely, just don't forget to thank me)

The Android SDK allows developers take any View object and set an OnClickListener object to it, now you can also do it in Swift! Take any UIView object and set a "listener" with an action inside a closure by using this CocoaPod project.

This project supplies lightweight Swift extensions that let developers use an onGesture method, such as: onClick, onLongPress, onSwipe, onPan (and even onDrag that will allow dragging the view).

It's very similar to the Android SDK's setOnClickListener(...) method.

onClick (a simple tap) usage

import OnGestureSwift


someView.onClick() { (tapGestureRecognizer: UITapGestureRecognizer) in
    // Do something...

onLongPress usage

import OnGestureSwift


mapView.onLongPress({ [weak self] (longPressGestureRecognizer) in
    guard longPressGestureRecognizer.state == .began, let mapView = self?.mapView else { return }

    let longPressedLocationCoordinate = mapView.convert(longPressGestureRecognizer.location(in: mapView), toCoordinateFrom: mapView)
    print("tapped on location's coordinate: \(longPressedLocationCoordinate)")
    // Do stuff with 'longPressedLocationCoordinate'

onSwipe usage

import OnGestureSwift


override func viewDidLoad() {

    view.onSwipe(direction: .down) { [unowned self] _ in
        self.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)

onPan usage

import OnGestureSwift


someButton.onPan { [weak self] (panGestureRecognizer) in
    guard let strongSelf = self else { return }

    if let superview = panGestureRecognizer.view?.superview {
        let locationOfPan = panGestureRecognizer.location(in: superview)
        // Do something with 'locationOfPan'

onDrag usage

import OnGestureSwift


someLabel.onDrag(predicateClosure: { _ in
    return true
}, onDragClosure: { dragGestureListener in
    guard let draggingPoint = dragGestureListener.pannedPoint else { return }

    // Do something with 'draggingPoint'


To install this pod simply add pod 'OnGestureSwift' to your Podfile like this example:

target 'MyApp' do
  pod 'OnGestureSwift'

Then run a pod install inside your terminal, or from

Important Notes

Memory Management

Don't worry about memory leaks, this implementation has been tested, reviewed, used and improved - it works perfectly with ARC. I did try using objc_setAssociatedObject in the past but I saw it caused memory leaks so it's not recommended. The selected solution has no memory issues, so keep calm and free your mind. :)

Just make sure you use [weak self] / [unowned self] because you don't want to keep a strong references to self (basically, usually we would like not to hold strong references to self inside closures).

Enjoy :)



This is a CocoaPod project that supplies lightweight Swift extensions and allows developers to take any UIView object and call "onGesture" methods such as 'onClick', 'onSwipe' etc. It's similar to the usage of View in Android SDK, which we call the 'setOnClickListener' method. Very easy to adopt and use.







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