a browser location as a mobx observable. Minimal wrapper around browser history utilizing popstate event and HTML5 history api. Package history-events is used for monkeypatching.
Prime usage is in your mobx observers. You can directly access the location and your app will rerender itself without the need for react-router or similar solution.
import makeMobxLocation from './mobx-location'
import { autorun, toJS } from 'mobx'
const mobxLocation = makeMobxLocation({ hashHistory: false }) // default
const mobxLocation = makeMobxLocation({ hashHistory: true }) // when you use hash history instead of html5 history APIs
const mobxLocation = makeMobxLocation({ arrayFormat: 'bracket' }) // default
const mobxLocation = makeMobxLocation({ arrayFormat: 'index' }) // will index array params in the url, refer to https://www.npmjs.com/package/query-string#arrayformat
autorun(() => {
toJS(mobxLocation) // runs every time browser location changes
location has all the standard properties:
plus one extra- query
. Query is just parsed location.search
. Query is always there even if no search params are in your location.
If you modify the query object, it will propagate back to the window location so you don't have to construct the search params yourself when modifying.
Keep in mind that any newly added property in query
won't be picked up-you must use set
from import {set} from 'mobx'
to set new props.
same as html5 history api-so with that shim even IE9