Simple indexing webservice for the EHRI Neo4j REST DB.
It allows to get the EHRI 'entities' from the Neo4j graph database and update (or create) a 'document' in the EHRI Sorl search index. These indexed documents can also be removed.
You need the EHRI Neo4j graphdatabase and the Solr instance running and configured for EHRI indexing. See the EHRI Github projects for information about that.
Download the ehri-indexer-service sources. Change the configuration specified in the src/main/resources/ file.
Build the war using maven by using the following command in the project directory:
$ mvn clean install
Deploy the war, should be OK using Tomcat6 because that was used during development.
Although no data is sent in the request body, indexing is done via a POST request. The data is retrieved from the Neo4j graph DB using the information in the request uri.
Index the entity with the specified id.
Remove the index for the entity with the specified id.
Index all the entities of the specified type.
Remove the index for all the entities of the specified type.
Index all the child entities of the specified (parent) entity. Note that for now the type need to be specified and must be the type of the parent.
On the commandline using curl, assuming you have deployed it at http://localhost:8080 and you have a user with id 'testuser'.
$ curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/ehri-indexer-service/index/testuser
$ curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8080/ehri-indexer-service/index/testuser
First you should chek the properties file and test that Neo4j and Solr are running. For example:
EHRI neo4j.
$ curl -H "Authorization:$USER" localhost:7474/ehri/userProfile/$USER
$ curl http://localhost:8080/solr-ehri/portal/select?q=*:*
The service
$ curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/ehri-indexer-service/application.wadl
Use the commandline tool and not the service, if that works anything wrong is done by the service:
$ cd ehri-indexer-service/libs/ehri-indexer/ehri-indexer/1.0-SNAPSHOT
$ java -jar ehri-indexer-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar --pretty @$USER
Should give JSON output for that user.
If the Indexer lib/commandline tool is updateted it ( needs to be build from source and copied to the 'in project' repository: