This small program will show you how to pass command-line arguments into the main function. It prints them out so you can see what the input looks like.
It will also show you two different ways of doing flow-control: the if-else-if construct and using the switch construct.
The below command will convert 32° Fahrenheit to °Celsius
temp-convert 32 f c
Three parameters are required, the temperature to convert, the scale to convert from, and the scale to convert to. There are three temperature scales: Celsius [°C], Fahrenheit [°F], kelvin [K], to choose from. If an invalid option is used an error messages is displayed.
One usability feature I added was to use just the first character of the from and to parameters. I used array indices to access the first character but you could also use String functions (overkill in this case). The character is also converted to Uppercase for use in the flow-control statements and for the ouput formatting.
If not enough parameters are supplied, an error message is displayed.
- C++ compiler/linker
Clone the repository:
Edit makefile to point to your specific c++ compiler
cd temp-convert;
./temp-convert 32 f c
- Add more temperature scales such as the Rankine or Réaumur
- Add an interactive mode that prompts appropiately
- Add a parameter to tell program to output only the answer. This can then be piped into another program.