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Template for making a single-windowed Dear ImGui application in Nim.


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Template for making a single-windowed Dear ImGui application in Nim.


(Check ImDemo for a full example)


  • Icon font support.
  • About modal.
  • Preferences system.
  • Settings modal.
  • AppImage support (Linux).
  • Updateable AppImage support (with gh-releases-zsync).
  • Simple data resources support (embed files into the binary).
  • GitHub workflow for building and uploading the AppImage and .exe as assets.
  • Non-blocking (using std/threadpool) native system dialogs using tinydialogs.

(To use NimGL in Ubuntu you might need to install some libraries sudo apt install libxcursor-dev libxrandr-dev libxinerama-dev libxi-dev libgl-dev)

Files Structure

  • Project's description.
  • LICENSE: Project's license.
  • main.nim: Application's logic.
  • resources.nim: To bundle data resources (see Bundling).
  • config.nims: Nim compile configuration.
  • ImExample.nimble: Nimble file.
  • assets:
    • icon.png, icon.svg: App icons.
    • style.kdl: Style (using ImStyle).
    • Cousine-Regular.ttf, Karla-Regular.ttf, Roboto-Regular.ttf, ProggyVector Regular.ttf: Multiple fonts so you can choose the one you like the most.
    • forkawesome-webfont.ttf: ForkAwesome icon font (see
  • src:
    • types.nim: Type definitions used by other modules.
    • icons.nim: Helper module with ForkAwesome icons unicode points.
    • utils.nim: Useful procedures, general types or anything used by more than one module.
    • settingsmodal.nim: Draw the settings modal

Icon Font

ImTemplate uses ForkAwesome's icon font to be able to display icon in labels, to do it you only need to import icons.nim (where the unicode points for each icon are defined), browse, choose the one you want and, for example, if you want to use fa-floppy-o, you will write FA_FloppyO in a string:

# main.nim
import src/icons

if igButton("Open Link " & FA_ExternalLink):

App Structure

The code is designed to rely on the App type (defined in utils.nim), you may want to store anything that your program needs inside it.

  App* = object
    win*: GLFWWindow
    config*: Config
    prefs*: KdlPrefs[Prefs]
    fonts*: array[Config.fonts.len, ptr ImFont]
    resources*: Table[string, string]

    maxLabelWidth*: float32
    messageBoxResult*: FlowVar[Button]
    # Add your variables here
  • win: GLFW window.
  • fonts: An array containing the loaded fonts from Config.fonts.
  • prefs: See Prefs.
  • config: Configuration file (loaded from config.toml).
  • resources: Data resources where the key is the filename and the value is the binary data.
  • maxLabelWidth: This is a value that's used to draw the settingsmodal (see
  • messageBoxResult: This variable stores the result to a message box dialog opened by tinydialogs, it uses the FlowVar type since it's the result of a spawned thread.


The configuration stores data like name and version of the application, it is stored in its type definition in src/configtype.nim using constructor/defaults to define the default values:

  Config* = object
    name* = "ImExample"
    comment* = "ImExample is a simple Dear ImGui application example"
    version* = "2.0.0"
    website* = ""
    authors* = [
      (name: "Patitotective", url: ""),
      ("Cristobal", ""),
      ("Omar Cornut", ""),
      ("Beef, Yard, Rika", ""),
      ("and the Nim community :]", ""),
      ("Inu147", ""),
    categories* = "Utility"

    stylePath* = "assets/style.kdl"
    iconPath* = "assets/icon.png"
    svgIconPath* = "assets/icon.svg"

    iconFontPath* = "assets/forkawesome-webfont.ttf"
    fonts* = [
      font("assets/ProggyVector Regular.ttf", 16f), # Other options are Roboto-Regular.ttf, Cousine-Regular.ttf or Karla-Regular.ttf
      font("assets/NotoSansJP-Regular.otf", 16f, GlyphRanges.Japanese),

    # AppImage
    ghRepo* = (user: "Patitotective", repo: "ImTemplate").some
    appstreamPath* = ""

    # Window
    minSize* = (w: 200i32, h: 200i32) # < 0: don't care

Fields Explanation

  • name: App's name.
  • comment: App's description.
  • version: App's version.
  • website: A link where you can find more information about the app.
  • authors: An array containing information about the authors.
  • categories: Sequence of registered categories (for the AppImage).
  • stylePath: App's ImStyle path (using
  • iconPath: PNG icon path.
  • svgIconPath: Scalable icon path
  • iconFontPath: ForkAwesome's font path.
  • fonts: An array of Font objects containing the font's path, size and range of glyphs for japanese, korean, chinese, etc.
  • ghRepo: GitHub repo to fetch releases from (if it's some it will generate an AppImage.zsync file, include it in your releases for AppImage updates).
  • appstreamPath: Path to the AppStream metadata.
  • minSize: Window's minimum size, use numbers less than zero to disable a limit.

About Modal

Using the information from the config object, ImTemplate creates a simple about modal.



The preferences is the data that can change during runtime and that data that you want to store for the future like the position and size of the window, this includes the settings the user can change like the language and theme. The preferences are saved in a KDL file (using kdl/prefs). You just have to provide an object including all the data you want to store as fields:

  Prefs* {.defaults: {defExported}.} = object
    maximized* = false # Was the window maximized when the app was closed?
    winpos* = (x: -1i32, y: -1i32) # Window position
    winsize* = (w: 600i32, h: 650i32) # Window size
    settings* = initSettings()


The settings are preferences that the user can modify through the settings modal.


You can define all the settings' settings (i.e.: combobox, checkbox, input, etc.) through the Settings object:

  Os* {.defaults: {}.} = object
    file* = fileSetting(display = "Text File", filterPatterns = @["*.txt", "*.nim", "*.kdl", "*.json"])
    files* = filesSetting(display = "Multiple files", singleFilterDescription = "Anything", default = @[".bashrc", ".profile"])
    folder* = folderSetting(display = "Folder")

  Numbers* {.defaults: {}.} = object
    spin* = spinSetting(display = "Int Spinner", default = 4, range = 0i32..10i32)
    fspin* = fspinSetting(display = "Float Spinner", default = 3.14, range = 0f..10f)
    slider* = sliderSetting(display = "Int Slider", default = 40, range = -100i32..100i32)
    fslider* = fsliderSetting(display = "Float Slider", default = -2.5, range = -10f..10f)

  Colors* {.defaults: {}.} = object
    rgb* = rgbSetting(default = [1f, 0f, 0.2f])
    rgba* = rgbaSetting(default = [0.4f, 0.7f, 0f, 0.5f], flags = @[AlphaBar, AlphaPreviewHalf])

  Sizes* = enum
    None, Huge, Big, Medium, Small, Mini

  Settings* {.defaults: {}.} = object
    input* = inputSetting(display = "Input", default = "Hello World")
    input2* = inputSetting(
      display = "Custom Input", hint = "Type...",
      help = "Has a hint, 10 characters maximum and only accepts on return",
      limits = 0..10, flags = @[ImGuiInputTextFlags.EnterReturnsTrue]
    check* = checkSetting(display = "Checkbox", default = true)
    combo* = comboSetting(display = "Combo box", items = Sizes.toSeq, default = None)
    radio* = radioSetting(display = "Radio button", items = @[Big, Medium, Small], default = Medium)
    os* = sectionSetting(display = "File dialogs", help = "Single file, multiple files and folder pickers", content = initOs())
    numbers* = sectionSetting(display = "Spinners and sliders", content = initNumbers())
    colors* = sectionSetting(display = "Color pickers", content = initColors())


To build your app you may want to run nimble buildr task. You can set the following environment variables to change the building process:

  • ARCH: the architecture used to compile the binary, by default amd64.
  • OUTPATH: the path of the binary file (or exe file on Windows), by default "name-version-arch"
  • FLAGS: any other flags you want to pass to the compiler, optional.

Note: Unfortunately on Window most of the times Nim binaries are flagged as virus, see nim-lang/Nim#17820.


To bundle your app resources inside the compiled binary, you only need to go to resources.nim file and define their paths in the resourcesPaths array. After that resources is imported in main.nim. So when you compile it, it statically reads those files and creates a table with the binary data. To access them use app.resources["path"]. By default this is how resourcesPaths looks like:

const resourcesPaths = @[
] & config.fonts.mapIt(it.path) # Add the paths of each font


You can publish your application as a binary package with nimble.

AppImage (Linux)

To build your app as an AppImage you will need to run nimble buildapp, it will install the dependencies, compile the app, check for appimagetool (and install it if its not found in the $PATH), generate the AppDir directory and finally build the AppImage. If you included ghRepo in the config, it will also generate an AppImage.zsync file. You should attach this file along with the AppImage to your GitHub release. If you included appstreamPath, it will get copied to AppDir/usr/share/shareinfo/{}.appdata.xml (see

Creating a release

ImTemplate has a release.yml workflow that automatically when you publish a release, builds an AppImage and an .exe file to then upload them as assets to the release. This can take several minutes.

Generated from ImTemplate

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