- Git Github
- List of APIs
- Angular
- Problem Solving
- Cloud
- JavaScript
- Demo Day
- Functions in Javascript
- Project Feedback
- JavaScript Control/Conditional Statements/(Local/Session)Storage
- JS Storage (Cookie, Localstorage, Sessionstorage)
- Learn to design using Figma
- Working With APIs using Fetch
- Postman, API Documentation, GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE
- Axios, Project Demos
- Understanding CORS, Proxy Server, Clinet vs Server Side,
- List of companies to work at, Why LinkedIn
- Why LinkedIn & How to Groww on LinkedIn & solving a git push error.
- Zoo, Selecting Colors, Icons, Images & Illustrations
- Form to Submit Leetcode Recordings: [https://forms.gle/LYyMALBheePBSzU89]
- Project Updates and Planning, Updates of Video Recoding's
- Frontend Introduction, React Basics, Library, Framework, Transpiler