CppNumericalSolvers is a header-only C++17 optimization library providing a suite of solvers for both unconstrained and constrained optimization problems. The library is designed for efficiency, modern C++ compliance, and easy integration into existing projects. It is distributed under a permissive license, making it suitable for commercial use.
Key Features:
- Unconstrained Optimization: Supports algorithms such as Gradient Descent, Conjugate Gradient, Newton's Method, BFGS, L-BFGS, and Nelder-Mead.
- Constrained Optimization: Provides support for L-BFGS-B and Augmented Lagrangian methods.
- Expression Templates: Enable efficient evaluation of function expressions without unnecessary allocations.
- First- and Second-Order Methods: Support for both gradient-based and Hessian-based optimizations.
- Differentiation Utilities: Tools to check gradient and Hessian correctness.
- Header-Only: Easily integrate into any C++17 project with no dependencies.
#include <iostream>
#include "cppoptlib/function.h"
#include "cppoptlib/solver/bfgs.h"
using namespace cppoptlib::function;
class ExampleFunction : public FunctionXd<ExampleFunction> {
* The function is defined as:
* f(x) = 5 * x₀² + 100 * x₁² + 5
* Its gradient is given by:
* ∇f(x) = [10 * x₀, 200 * x₁]ᵀ
* And its Hessian is:
* ∇²f(x) = [ [10, 0],
* [ 0, 200] ]
ScalarType operator()(const VectorType &x, VectorType *gradient = nullptr,
MatrixType *hessian = nullptr) const override {
if (gradient) {
*gradient = VectorType::Zero(2);
(*gradient)[0] = 2 * 5 * x[0];
(*gradient)[1] = 2 * 100 * x[1];
if (hessian) {
*hessian = MatrixType::Zero(2, 2);
(*hessian)(0, 0) = 10;
(*hessian)(0, 1) = 0;
(*hessian)(1, 0) = 0;
(*hessian)(1, 1) = 200;
return 5 * x[0] * x[0] + 100 * x[1] * x[1] + 5;
int main() {
ExampleFunction f;
Eigen::VectorXd x(2);
x << -1, 2;
using Solver = cppoptlib::solver::Bfgs<ExampleFunction>;
auto init_state = f.GetState(x);
Solver solver;
auto [solution_state, solver_progress] = solver.Minimize(f, init_state);
std::cout << "Optimal solution: " << solution_state.x.transpose() << std::endl;
return 0;
CppNumericalSolvers allows solving constrained optimization problems using the Augmented Lagrangian method. Below, we solve the problem:
min f(x) = x_0 + x_1
subject to the constraint:
x_0^2 + x_1^2 = 2
#include <iostream>
#include "cppoptlib/function.h"
#include "cppoptlib/solver/augmented_lagrangian.h"
#include "cppoptlib/solver/lbfgs.h"
using namespace cppoptlib::function;
using namespace cppoptlib::solver;
class SumObjective : public FunctionXd<SumObjective> {
ScalarType operator()(const VectorType &x, VectorType *gradient = nullptr) const {
if (gradient) *gradient = VectorType::Ones(2);
return x.sum();
class Circle : public FunctionXd<Circle> {
ScalarType operator()(const VectorType &x, VectorType *gradient = nullptr) const {
if (gradient) *gradient = 2 * x;
return x.squaredNorm();
int main() {
SumObjective::VectorType x(2);
x << 2, 10;
FunctionExpr objective = SumObjective();
FunctionExpr circle = Circle();
ConstrainedOptimizationProblem prob(
// 1. Equality constraint: circle(x) - 2 == 0, forcing the solution onto
// the circle's boundary.
{FunctionExpr(circle - 2)},
// 2. Inequality constraint: 2 - circle(x) >= 0, ensuring the solution
// remains inside the circle.
{FunctionExpr(2 - circle)});
Lbfgs<FunctionExpr2d1> inner_solver;
AugmentedLagrangian solver(prob, inner_solver);
AugmentedLagrangeState<double> l_state(x, /* num_eq=*/1,
/* num_ineq=*/1,
/* penalty=*/1.0);
auto [solution, solver_state] = solver.Minimize(prob, l_state);
std::cout << "Optimal x: " << solution.x.transpose() << std::endl;
return 0;
Either use Bazel or CMake:
git clone https://github.com/PatWie/CppNumericalSolvers.git
Compile with:
g++ -std=c++17 -Ipath/to/CppNumericalSolvers/include myfile.cpp -o myprogram
If you find this implementation useful and wish to cite it, please use the following bibtex entry:
author={Wieschollek, Patrick},