In this repository i try to port DOOM to Free-Pascal using OpenGL and therefore beeing platform indipendant.
!! Attention !!
This is a work in progress, the game is already playable, but not everything is ported. Its highly recommended to play with debugger and Lazarus-IDE. If you get a "Port me." exception, you reached the end of the actual porting progress.
The original code was released by id-Software unfortunatunelly i was not able to get the code compiled, so i decided to use the crispy-doom version as base (as this one directly compiled and was able to start and play the .wad files i have had laying around).
Also i found some usefull documentations that try to explain the code:
There is already a FPC Doom on the List of ports, but that version only supports DirectX and therefore only supports Windows platform.
install Lazarus-IDE
install package LazOpenGLContext (is shipped with lazarus)
download dglOpenGL.pas and store it in the units folder
download bass and store bass.pas in the units folder
o Windows users:
- copy bass.dll into root folder
o Linux users:
- copy to /usr/lib
- chmod o+r it
- get a valid .wad file and copy it where the binary is beeing created (or use this shareware version)
- read carefull the above hint and see section progress
- Download and install bass (see What needs to be done to compile the code)
- start the application (at best using the Lazarus IDE)
As this section is not interesting for everyone i extracted this into a separate section lessons learned. Furthermore there are some special points when porting a "old" DOS application to a modern "Linux/Windows" application, which i handle in the section DOOM vs. LCL.
As i am not doing a 100% source port but more a port for me and my education (or personal needs), FPC DOOM will not be like Vanilla DOOM and even not like Crispy DOOM. To See the differences look here.
- Replaying of demo's does not work because the time is "glichting" away during simulation
- not really a bug, but savegames are not onderstood, thus atm not available.
- got crispy-doom compiled
- created initial FPC_DOOM Lazarus project
- (2025.01.03) stored everything on Github
- able to extract icon from doom_icon.pas
- w_wad.pas can now "load" the .wad file
- (2025.01.09) able to store "patches" when drawn as .bmp files to harddisc, very first extracted image "M_DOOM"
- (2025.01.10) activate OpenGL Rendering default upscale = 2
- (2025.01.12) integrate keyboard event loop and main menu with quit button
- (2025.01.13) finish part of menues necessary to actually start a game
- (2025.01.20) finish wipe function
- (2025.01.22) able to create very first screenrendering
still missing flats.. - (2025.01.23) finally was able to enable flats
- (2025.01.24) add ability to rotate player, lets take a shy look around ;)
- (2025.01.25) enable sprite rendering
- (2025.01.26) give the player a weapon
still not able to shoot or move :( - (2025.01.28) enable "normal" map preview
- (2025.01.29) enable am map cheats, and finished am functions
- (2025.01.30) enable forward walking and falling
still no strafe / clipping or interaction with the map - (2025.02.01) enable interaction with doors
- (2025.02.03) able to shoot barrels
- (2025.02.05) First version of .wad viewer
- (2025.02.06) enable SFX engine Video
- (2025.02.08) reached finish screen of level 1
- (2025.02.09) reached level 2
still no HUD and not all secrets in level 1 possible - (2025.02.11) finally ported everything to play e1m1 with 100% (kills, items, secret) without using cheat codes
- (2025.02.12) enable HUD
mapsize not yet scaleable - (2025.02.18) enable "invisible" drawing
- (2025.02.28) reached finish screen