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union_2_data_dicts: update to support dictionaries with the key "vers…
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PasaOpasen committed Apr 24, 2024
1 parent a3fdf8f commit 477ffbd
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Showing 6 changed files with 521 additions and 9 deletions.
73 changes: 73 additions & 0 deletions tests/input/test_3/dcr.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
name = "dcr"
version = "1.8.1"
description = "DCR"

"pdfminer.six" = "^20220524"
biopython = "^1.81"
chardet = "^4.0.0"
cmake = "^3.21.1"
cython = "0.29.37"
Django = "~3.1"
django-allauth = "^0.51"
django-bootstrap4 = "^22.1"
django-cors-headers = "^3.2.1"
django-extensions = "^3.1.0"
django-rosetta = "^0.9.5"
env2dict = "^0.0.3"
fast_deskew = "1.0"
filelock = "^3.4.2"
google-cloud-documentai = "^1.1.0"
gunicorn = "^21.2"
matplotlib = "^3.4.3"
nbdime = "^3.1.0"
nltk = "^3.6.5"
numpy = "~1.23"
ocrmypdf = "^13.0.0"
onnxruntime = "^1.12.1"
opencv-python = ""
ordered-rectangles = { extras = ["extra"], version = ">=0.0.6" }
orjson = "<=3.9.10"
pdf2image = "^1.16.0"
pikepdf = "^8"
Pillow = "^10.1"
psutil = "^5.8.0"
pyclipper = "1.3.0.post5"
pyctcdecode = "0.5.0"
PyMuPDF = "^1.21.1"
pypdf = "^3.17.2"
PyPDF2 = "^1.26.0"
pypdfium2= "^4.24.0"
pytesseract = "^0.3.10"
pytest = "^6.2.2"
python = ">=3.8.2,<3.10"
python-Levenshtein = "~0.12.2"
python-poppler = "^0.4.1"
PyYAML = "^6.0"
pyzbar = "^0.1.8"
reportlab = "^3.6.11"
scikit-image = "^0.18.3"
scikit-learn = ">= 1.1, < 1.3"
sentry-sdk = "^1.14.0"
shapely = "^2.0.1"
spyne = "^2.14.0"
tifftools = "^1.3.6"
tqdm = "^4.62"
urllib3 = "~1.26"
varsubst = "^2.0.0"
wheel = ">=0.37"

autopep8 = "^1.5"
black = "^23"
ipython = "^8.0"
jupyter = "^1.0"
jupyter-server = "^1.0"
mypy = "^0.790"
notebook = "^6.5.6"
pylint = "^2.6"
pylint-django = "~2.3"
pytest-django = "^4.5.2"

135 changes: 135 additions & 0 deletions tests/input/test_3/dml.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
name = "dml"
version = "1.7.2"
description = "DML"

"pdfminer.six" = "^20220524"
ansi2html = "^1.7"
bayoo-docx = "^0.2.20"
beautifulsoup4 = "^4.10"
boto3 = "^1.16.56"
chardet = "^4.0.0"
cmake = "^3.21.1"
commonregex = "1.5.3"
compress_fasttext = "^0.0.6"
conllu = "^4.4"
coreapi = "^2.3.3"
corus = "^0.7.0"
cython = "0.29.37"
Django = "~3.1"
django-allauth = "^0.51"
django-bootstrap4 = "^22.1"
django-cors-headers = "^3.2.1"
django-extensions = "^3.1.0"
django-rosetta = "^0.9.5"
djangorestframework = "^3.13"
djangorestframework-simplejwt = "^4.5"
djangorestframework-xml = "^2.0.0"
drf-yasg = "^1.20.0"
editdistance = ">=0.6.2"
env2dict = "^0.0.3"
fast_deskew = "1.0"
filelock = "^3.4.2"
filetype = "^1.2.0"
flashtext = "^2.7"
fuzzysearch = "^0.7.3"
fuzzywuzzy = "^0.18.0"
google-cloud-documentai = "^1.1.0"
protobuf = "^3.20"
gunicorn = "^21.2"
httpx = {extras = ["socks", "brotli", "http2"], version = "^0.26"}
hvac = "^1.1.1"
ImageHash = "^4.2.1"
imbalanced-learn = "^0.11.0"
ipymarkup = "^0.9.0"
jsonfield = "^3.1.0"
langchain = "^0.0.325"
matplotlib = "^3.4.3"
minio= ">=7.1.17"
murmurhash = "^1.0.3"
natasha = "~1.3"
navec = "^0.10.0"
nbdime = "^3.1.0"
nerus = "^1.7.0"
nltk = "^3.6.5"
numpy = "~1.23"
onnxruntime = "^1.12.1"
openai = "^1.3.5"
opencv-python = ""
orjson = "<=3.9.10"
pandas = "~1.5"
patiencediff = "^0.2.14"
patool = "^1.12"
pdf2image = "^1.16.0"
phonenumbers = "^8.12.15"
pika = "^1.2.0"
pikepdf = "^8"
Pillow = "^10.1"
psutil = "^5.8.0"
psycopg2-binary = "^2.9.1"
py7zr = "^0.20.1"
pyaescrypt = ">=0.4.3"
pyap = "^0.3.1"
pycel = "^1.0b30"
pyctcdecode = "0.5.0"
pyexcel = "^0.6.1"
pyexcel-xls = "^0.5.8"
pyexcel-xlsx = "^0.5.8"
PyJWT = "^2.4.0"
pymorphy2 = { extras = ["speedups"], version = "^0.9.1" }
PyMuPDF = "^1.21.1"
pymystem3 = "~0.2.0"
pyOpenSSL = ">=23.0"
PyPDF2 = "^1.26.0"
pypdfium2= "^4.24.0"
pyrfc6266 = "^1.0.2"
pyrsistent = "0.16"
pyrus-api = "^2.12.0"
pytesseract = "^0.3.10"
pytest = "^6.2.2"
python = ">=3.8.2,<3.10"
python-Levenshtein = "~0.12.2"
python-poppler = "^0.4.1"
pyunpack = "^0.3"
PyYAML = "^6.0"
pyzbar = "^0.1.8"
rabbitmq = "^0.2.0"
razdel = "~0.5"
reportlab = "^3.6.11"
scikit-image = "^0.18.3"
scikit-learn = ">= 1.1, < 1.3"
sentencepiece = "^0.1.99"
sentry-sdk = "^1.14.0"
spacy = "~2.3"
spyne = "^2.14.0"
tensorboard = "^2.4.1"
termcolor = "^1.1.0"
tifftools = "^1.3.6"
tiktoken = "^0.4.0"
tqdm = "^4.62"
unidecode = "^1.1.1"
unrar = "^0.4"
urllib3 = "~1.26"
varsubst = "^2.0.0"
wand = ">=0.5.8"
weasyprint = "^52.5"
wheel = ">=0.37"
xlrd = "^2.0"
xlsx2html = "^0.4.4"
XlsxWriter = "^3.0.3"
zeep = "^4.1.0"

autopep8 = "^1.5"
black = "^23"
ipython = "^8.0"
jupyter = "^1.0"
jupyter-server = "^1.0"
mypy = "^0.790"
notebook = "^6.5.6"
pre-commit = "^3.5.0"
pylint = "^2.6"
pylint-django = "~2.3"
pytest-django = "^4.5.2"

94 changes: 94 additions & 0 deletions tests/input/test_3/dweb.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
name = "d"
version = "1.8.1"
description = "D"

"pdfminer.six" = "^20220524"
aiofiles = "^23.2.1"
ansi2html = "^1.7"
asgi-lifespan = "^2.1.0"
bayoo-docx = "^0.2.20"
beautifulsoup4 = "^4.10"
boto3 = "^1.16.56"
chardet = "^4.0.0"
coreapi = "^2.3.3"
datapunt-keycloak-oidc = "^0.5.1"
Django = "~3.1"
django-allauth = "^0.51"
django-auth-ldap = "^4.1"
django-bootstrap4 = "^22.1"
django-cors-headers = "^3.2.1"
django-extensions = "^3.1.0"
django-rosetta = "^0.9.5"
djangorestframework = "^3.13"
djangorestframework-simplejwt = "^4.5"
djangorestframework-xml = "^2.0.0"
drf-yasg = "^1.20.0"
env2dict = "^0.0.3"
fastapi = {extras = ["uvicorn"], version = "^0.110.0"}
filelock = "^3.4.2"
filetype = "^1.2.0"
flashtext = "^2.7"
fuzzysearch = "^0.7.3"
gunicorn = "^21.2"
httpx = "^0.27.0"
hvac = "^1.1.1"
ImageHash = "^4.2.1"
jsonfield = "^3.1.0"
matplotlib = "^3.4.3"
murmurhash = "^1.0.3"
natasha = "~1.3"
numpy = "~1.23"
opencv-python = ""
openpyxl = "^3.1.2"
orjson = "<=3.9.10"
pandas = "~1.5"
patiencediff = "^0.2.14"
pdf2image = "^1.16.0"
phonenumbers = "^8.12.15"
pika = "^1.2.0"
pikepdf = "^8"
Pillow = "^10.1"
psutil = "^5.8.0"
psycopg2-binary = "^2.9.1"
pycel = "^1.0b30"
pydantic-settings = "^2.2.1"
PyJWT = "^2.4.0"
pymorphy2 = ">=0.9"
PyMuPDF = "^1.21.1"
PyPDF2 = "^1.26.0"
pyrfc6266 = "^1.0.2"
pyrus-api = "^2.12.0"
python = ">=3.8.2,<3.10"
python-multipart = "^0.0.9"
python-ldap = "^3.4.3"
python-Levenshtein = "~0.12.2"
PyYAML = "^6.0"
rabbitmq = "^0.2.0"
reportlab = "^3.6.11"
rich = "^13.6.0"
scikit-image = "^0.18.3"
sentry-sdk = "^1.14.0"
tqdm = "^4.62"
unidecode = "^1.1.1"
urllib3 = "~1.26"
uvicorn = "^0.29.0"
varsubst = "^2.0.0"
wheel = ">=0.37"
xlsx2html = "^0.4.4"
XlsxWriter = "^3.0.3"
zeep = "^4.1.0"

autopep8 = "^1.5"
black = "^23"
ipython = "^8.0"
jupyter = "^1.0"
jupyter-server = "^1.0"
mypy = "^0.790"
notebook = "^6.5.6"
pylint = "^2.6"
pylint-django = "~2.3"
pytest-asyncio = "^0.23.6"
pytest-django = "^4.5.2"

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