Fully customizable Card View for React Native.
Finally version 1 is here after 2 years :) Completely re-written with Typescript and much better props and customization options.
Add the dependency:
npm i @paraboly/react-native-card
"react-native-vector-icons": ">= 7.1.0",
"react-native-dynamic-vector-icons": ">= 1.1.4",
"@freakycoder/react-native-bounceable": ">= 0.2.4"
Add the dependency:
npm i Paraboly/react-native-card#expo
"@freakycoder/react-native-bounceable": ">= 0.2.4"
prop is available to set any icon set from @expo/vector-icons
You will also need to follow the installation instructions for react-native-vector-icons
import { Card } from "@paraboly/react-native-card";
description="Main Content"
onPress={() => {}}
bottomRightText="30 km"
description="Lorem ipsum dolor sit."
onPress={() => {}}
import { SimpleCard } from "@paraboly/react-native-card";
<SimpleCard title="Dynamic width & height simple card" />;
title="Custom width & dynamic height simple card: Multiple Lines"
styles={{ width: 200 }}
- check the code, and yes! :) all of the images, screenshots are directly taken from the this example. Of course, you can simply clone the project and run the example on your own environment.
Name | Type | Description |
backgroundColor |
String |
The colour of the card's main background area |
borderRadius |
Number |
Changes the curvature size of the corners |
bottomRightComponent |
JSX.Element |
bottomRightText |
String |
Text displayed at the bottom right of the card |
bottomRightTextStyle |
CustomTextStyleProp |
Styling for the bottom right text |
containerHeight |
Number |
The height of the card |
description |
String |
The smaller descriptive text in the card |
iconBackgroundColor |
String |
The color of the area behind the icon |
iconColor |
String |
The colour of the icon |
iconDisable |
Boolean |
iconName |
String |
The name of the icon displayed. To hide the icon leave blank along with iconType (iconName="", iconType="") |
iconSize |
Number |
The size of the icon |
iconType |
String |
The icon library that the icon you want to use comes from. Choose from: "FontAwesome", "AntDesign", "MaterialIcons", "EvilIcons", "Entypo", "Foundation", "Ionicons", "MaterialCommunityIcons", "Zocial", "Octicons", "SimpleLineIcons", "Fontisto", "Feather", "FontAwesome5". To hide the icon leave blank along with iconName(iconName="", iconType="") |
onPress |
(() => void) |
Function to execute on press |
shadowStyle |
CustomStyleProp |
style |
CustomStyleProp |
Styling for the card |
textContainerNumberOfLines |
Number |
The number of lines in the card |
title |
String |
The text contained in the title area of the card |
topRightComponent |
JSX.Element |
topRightText |
String |
Text displayed at the top right of the card |
topRightTextStyle |
CustomTextStyleProp |
Styling for the top right text |
FreakyCoder, kurayogun@gmail.com | kuray.ogun@paraboly.com
Paraboly React Native Card Library is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.