Welcome to my GitHub profile! Here's a little about me:
- 🔭 Currently Working On: C++ projects that challenge my skills and creativity.
- 🌱 Learning: Diving deep into data structures to enhance my programming knowledge.
- 👯 Looking to Collaborate On: Exciting projects that push the boundaries of technology!
- 🤔 Seeking Help With: Advanced algorithms and optimization techniques.
- 💬 Ask Me About: C++, data structures, or my latest project ideas!
- 📫 Reach Me: You can find me on https://paperocean.github.io/site-portfolio/.
- ⚡ Fun Fact: Stop me if you can, someday I will reach my goals! 🌟
Feel free to explore my projects below!
- Dining philosophers
- Przetwarzanie obrazu
- Sorting algorithms
- Tic Tac Toe
Thanks for visiting my profile! Let's connect and make awesome things happen! 🚀