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Payara Micro (Payara

Andrew Pielage edited this page Mar 4, 2016 · 1 revision


1. Overview

This page shall cover how to use Payara Micro

Payara Micro is an embedded release of Payara built from the Payara Embedded Web release. It allows you to deploy and run WAR files from the command line with a single command, and also features automatic, dynamic clustering with Hazelcast.

2. Documentation Conventions

Any commands listed will be written assuming they are being run from the same directory as the Payara Micro JAR file.

Any commands listed will also be written assuming that the system environment variables have been set up to have Java on the system Path.

Any paths listed throughout the documentation will use the Unix/Linux file path structure (forward slashes).

The owning class of an API method will not be explicitly stated unless it is not clear if an instance has been started or not; methods that operate on Payara Micro instances before they have been bootstrapped (instances that have not yet been started) are contained in the PayaraMicro class, whereas methods that operate on bootstrapped instances (running instances) are contained within the PayaraMicroRuntime class.

3. Starting an Instance

This section details the very basics of starting an instance.

3.1 Starting an Instance from the Command Line

To start an instance of Payara Micro from the command line, you simply run the JAR:

java -jar payara-micro.jar

This single command is all you need to run Payara Micro instances; additional configuration options are all a part of this command.

3.2 Starting an Instance Programmatically

You need to import two classes from the fish.payara.micro package (contained in the Payara Micro JAR, see section 8 for instructions on importing this JAR with Maven):

import fish.payara.micro.BootstrapException;
import fish.payara.micro.PayaraMicro;

You can then start an instance with default settings by calling the bootstrap() method from the PayaraMicro class. This initialisation will throw a BootstrapException exception, so you will need to surround it with a try-catch, or have the parent method throw the exception.

A simple example is as follows:

import fish.payara.micro.BootstrapException;
import fish.payara.micro.PayaraMicro;

public class EmbeddedPayara 
    public static void main(String[] args) throws BootstrapException

To start an instance with non-default settings (configuration changes or deploying applications upon startup), you have to call the getInstance() method before using bootstrap(). More details on this can be found in the Configuring an Instance section. The use of the getInstance() method does not exclude you from using the default settings however; calling the bootstrap() method on its own (as shown in the example above) is functionally equivalent to calling the bootstrap() method directly after the getInstance() method, such as in the example below:

import fish.payara.micro.BootstrapException;
import fish.payara.micro.PayaraMicro;

public class EmbeddedPayara 
    public static void main(String[] args) throws BootstrapException

The bootStrap() method returns a PayaraMicroRuntime object instance, which is comes with various methods that afford you control over the instance and its cluster after you have bootstrapped it. To take advantage of this, you have to initialise a PayaraMicroRuntime object from the bootStrap method, like so:

import fish.payara.micro.BootstrapException;
import fish.payara.micro.PayaraMicro;
import fish.payara.micro.PayaraMicroRuntime;

public class EmbeddedPayara 
    public static void main(String[] args) throws BootstrapException
        PayaraMicroRuntime instance = PayaraMicro.bootStrap();

4. Deploying Applications

This section details how to deploy applications.

4.1 Deploying an Application from the Command Line

As noted in section 3.1, all Payara Micro actions are run for the Payara Micro JAR, all in one command; it is not possible to start an instance with one command, and deploy an application to it with another.

The general structure of starting, configuring, and deploying an application to an instance is as follows:

java -jar payara-micro.jar _--option1_ _--option2_ ...

To deploy a WAR file to an instance, you need to use the --deploy option, followed by the path to the application to deploy. See below for an example of starting a Payara Micro instance and deploying a WAR file:

java -jar payara-micro.jar --deploy /home/user/example.war

4.1.1 Deploying Multiple Applications from the Command Line

If you want to deploy multiple applications to an instance with the ``--deploy` option, you must use it once for each application to be deployed; it does not accept multiple paths.

For example, to deploy two applications:

java -jar payara-micro.jar --deploy /home/user/example.war --deploy /home/user/test.war

Alternatively, you can use the --deploymentDir option. This option specifies a directory to scan for deployable archives, allowing you to store all of the applications you wish to be deployed in a directory, and have them be deployed automatically upon instance startup.

java -jar payara-micro.jar --deploymentDir /home/user/deployments

4.2 Deploying Applications Programmatically

This section details deploying applications from within your code.

4.2.1 Deploying an Application Programmatically during Bootstrap

There are two methods you can use to deploy an application during the bootstrapping process: addDeployment(String pathToWar), and addDeploymentFile(File file).

The first, addDeployment(String pathToWar), accepts a String that points to the path of the file to be deployed. For example:

import fish.payara.micro.BootstrapException;
import fish.payara.micro.PayaraMicro;

public class EmbeddedPayara 
    public static void main(String[] args) throws BootstrapException 

The second method, addDeploymentFile(File file), functions in the same way as the addDeployment(String pathToWar) method, but takes a File object as its parameter instead:

import fish.payara.micro.BootstrapException;
import fish.payara.micro.PayaraMicro;

public class EmbeddedPayara 
    public static void main(String[] args) throws BootstrapException 
        File file = new File("/home/user/example.war");

Unlike when controlling Payara Micro from the command line, you can split the instance initialisation and configuration across multiple lines methods. For example, to deploy an application on one line, and start the instance on another:

import fish.payara.micro.BootstrapException;
import fish.payara.micro.PayaraMicro;

public class EmbeddedPayara 
    public static void main(String[] args) throws BootstrapException 
        PayaraMicro micro = PayaraMicro.getInstance();
} Deploying Multiple Applications Programmatically during Bootstrap

Similar to when deploying multiple applications from the command line, you must use call the addDeployment or addDeploymentFile method for each application you wish to deploy.

For example, to deploy three applications:

import fish.payara.micro.BootstrapException;
import fish.payara.micro.PayaraMicro;

public class EmbeddedPayara 
    public static void main(String[] args) throws BootstrapException 
        PayaraMicro micro = PayaraMicro.getInstance();

Alternatively, you can use the programmatic equivalent of the --deploymentDir command line option (described in section 4.1.1): the setDeploymentDir(File deploymentRoot) method:

import fish.payara.micro.BootstrapException;
import fish.payara.micro.PayaraMicro;

public class EmbeddedPayara 
    public static void main(String[] args) throws BootstrapException 
        File deployments = new File("/home/user/deployments/");
        PayaraMicro micro = PayaraMicro.getInstance();

4.2.2 Deploying an Application Programmatically to a Bootstrapped Instance

There are three methods available for deploying an application to a bootstrapped instance: deploy(File war), deploy(String name, InputStream is), and deploy(String name, String contextRoot, InputStream is).

The first works in the same way as the addDeploymentFile method described in section 4.2.1.

import fish.payara.micro.BootstrapException;
import fish.payara.micro.PayaraMicro;
import fish.payara.micro.PayaraMicroRuntime;

public class EmbeddedPayara 
    public static void main(String[] args) throws BootstrapException 
        File war = new File("/home/user/deployments/");
        PayaraMicroRuntime instance = PayaraMicro.bootstrap();

The second method allows you to deplor WARs from an InputStream:

import fish.payara.micro.PayaraMicro;
import fish.payara.micro.BootstrapException;
import fish.payara.micro.PayaraMicroRuntime;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

public class EmbeddedPayara 
    public static void main(String[] args) throws BootstrapException 
        PayaraMicroRuntime instance = PayaraMicro.bootstrap();
        try (InputStream is = new FileInputStream("/home/user/test.war"))
            instance.deploy("test", is);
        catch (IOException ex)
            Logger.getLogger(EmbeddedPayara.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);

The third method works in the same way as the previous method, but allows you to specify the context root of the application. The following example would deploy the test application to a context root of /app:

import fish.payara.micro.PayaraMicro;
import fish.payara.micro.BootstrapException;
import fish.payara.micro.PayaraMicroRuntime;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

public class EmbeddedPayara 
    public static void main(String[] args) throws BootstrapException 
        PayaraMicroRuntime instance = PayaraMicro.bootstrap();
        try (InputStream is = new FileInputStream("/home/user/test.war"))
            instance.deploy("test", "app", is);
        catch (IOException ex)
            Logger.getLogger(EmbeddedPayara.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);

As an alternative to using the methods above, you can use the run(Collection<InstanceDescriptor> members, String command, String... args ) method to run the deploy asadmin command. To deploy to a single instance, you must create a members Collection only containing a single instance.

As an example of deploying an application to only the local instance with the run command:

import fish.payara.micro.PayaraMicro;
import fish.payara.micro.BootstrapException;
import fish.payara.micro.PayaraMicroRuntime;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

public class EmbeddedPayara 
    public static void main(String[] args) throws BootstrapException 
        PayaraMicroRuntime runtime = PayaraMicro.getInstance().setHttpAutoBind(true).bootstrap();
        // Get a Collection with all running instances in the local runtime's cluster
        Collection<InstanceDescriptor> allInstances = runtime.getClusteredPayaras();       
        // Create a Collection to use as a subset
        Collection<InstanceDescriptor> subset = new ArrayList<>();
        // Loop through all instances
        for (InstanceDescriptor instance : allInstances)
            // Only add the local instance
            if (instance == runtime.getLocalDescriptor())

        // Run the deploy asadmin command on the subset Collection, "deploy", "/home/user/test.war");
} Deploying an Application to Multiple Bootstrapped Instances Programmatically

As noted to in the previous section, you can use the run method to run the deploy asadmin command on one or more clustered instances. There are two run methods available for running asadmin commands: one which runs an asadmin command on a subset of instances in a cluster, and another than runs an asadmin command on all instances in a cluster. More detail on these can be found in the Running Asadmin Commands on Bootstrapped Instances section.

As an example of deploying an application to all instances in a cluster:

import fish.payara.micro.PayaraMicro;
import fish.payara.micro.BootstrapException;
import fish.payara.micro.PayaraMicroRuntime;

public class EmbeddedPayara 
    public static void main(String[] args) throws BootstrapException 
        PayaraMicroRuntime runtime = PayaraMicro.getInstance().setHttpAutoBind(true).bootstrap();

        // Run the deploy asadmin command on all instances in the runtime's cluster"deploy", "/home/user/test.war");

See the previous section for an example on using the run method on a subset of instances in a cluster.

5. Configuring an Instance

This section details how to configure a Payara Micro instance.

5.1 Configuring an Instance from the Command Line

As described in section 4.1, the starting and configuration of an instance has to be done in its entirety on one line.

The options available can be seen by running the JAR with the --help option, or by consulting the Payara Micro Command Line Options section in the Appendices.

The general structure of starting, configuring, and deploying an application to an instance is as follows:

java -jar payara-micro.jar _--option1_ _--option2_ ...

As an example, see below for starting an instance with a non-default HTTP port:

java -jar payara-micro.jar --port 2468

5.2 Configuring an Instance Programmatically

There are various methods available for configuring a Payara Micro instance programmatically. You can only configure an instance before it is bootstrapped however.

The configuration methods available to you should be detected by your IDE, allowing you to view them using the auto-complete feature common to most popular IDEs. Alternatively, you can consult the Payara Micro Configuration Methods section in the Appendices.

As noted before, in the Deploying an Application Programmatically section, you can either call the desired configuration commands on one line during instance initialisation, or on separate lines after creating a PayaraMicro variable.

As an example of configuring an instance to use a different HTTP and Cluster start port on one line, see here:

import fish.payara.micro.BootstrapException;
import fish.payara.micro.PayaraMicro;

public class EmbeddedPayara 
    public static void main(String[] args) throws BootstrapException 

For the example of the same, but done across multiple lines, see here:

import fish.payara.micro.BootstrapException;
import fish.payara.micro.PayaraMicro;

public class EmbeddedPayara 
    public static void main(String[] args) throws BootstrapException 
        PayaraMicro micro = PayaraMicro.getInstance();

6. Stopping an Instance

This section describes how to shut down a Payara Micro instance.

6.1 Stopping an Instance from the Command Line

There is no specific option for shutting down a Payara Micro instance. The only way to shut down an instance from the command line is to find the process ID of the Payara Micro instance, and send a kill signal to it.

6.2 Stopping an Instance Programmatically

To shut down a Payara Micro instance programmatically, you will need to use the shutdown() method of the PayaraMicro or PayaraMicroRuntime class.

The shutdown() method of the PayaraMicro class must be called on the instance of Payara Micro that you want to shut down, so will realistically only be used on a PayaraMicro instance variable:

import fish.payara.micro.BootstrapException;
import fish.payara.micro.PayaraMicro;

public class EmbeddedPayara 
    public static void main(String[] args) throws BootstrapException 
        PayaraMicro micro = PayaraMicro.getInstance();

The shutdown() method of the PayaraMicroRuntime class is tied to an instance variable, so is used in much the same way:

import fish.payara.micro.PayaraMicro;
import fish.payara.micro.BootstrapException;
import fish.payara.micro.PayaraMicroRuntime;

public class EmbeddedPayara 
    public static void main(String[] args) throws BootstrapException 
        PayaraMicroRuntime instance = PayaraMicro.bootstrap();


7. Payara Micro Automatic Clustering

This section details how the Payara Micro automatic clustering works.

The integration of Hazelcast into Payara Micro allows instances to automatically, and dynamically, cluster together. When two instances are pointed at the same multicast address and port, they will automatically cluster together.

You can see evidence of the automatic clustering by simply starting two instances (with different HTTP port configurations), and you should see the following in the log output:

Members [2] {
        Member []:5900 this
        Member []:5901

The --startPort option is used to determine which port the Payara Micro instance will first try to bind to, if the port is already bound to (say, by another Payara Micro instance), then the Payara Micro instance will simply increment the startPort value and try again until it finds a port it can bind to.

For example, if there are already two Payara Micro instances running, which have bound ports 5900 and 5901, then a third instance started with a startPort value of 5900 will first try to bind to 5900, then to 5901, then finally settle on 5902.

If you wish to have multiple clusters, then you can make use of the --mcAddress and ``mcPort` options to define a different multicast address and port; assign a different address and port to each set of instances you wish to operate in a separate cluster and they will automatically make their own cluster on the new multicast address and port.

8. Payara Micro and Maven

Payara Micro has been uploaded to Maven central, allowing you to include it as a dependency in your POM. This allows you to easily add the required Payara Micro classes and methods to your application to use Payara Micro programmatically.

In your project's POM, include the following dependency:


9. Payara Micro HTTP and HTTPS Auto-Binding

Payara Micro supports an auto-binding feature for its HTTP and HTTPS port, allowing Payara Micro to dynamically find a free HTTP or HTTPS port as required during startup.

This feature is controlled through these three options:

  • --autoBindHttp – Enables auto-bind functionality for the HTTP port
  • --autoBindSsl – Enables auto-bind functionality for the HTTPS port
  • --autoBindRange – Sets the range for the auto-bind feature

When auto-binding is enabled, Payara Micro will attempt to connect to the port specified with the --port or --sslPort option (or, if these options are not specified, to port 8080 and 8181 respectively), and if that port is busy, it will instead try to bind on the next port up, repeating this process until it finds a free port, or the --autoBindRange limiter is reached.

For example, if ports 8080, 8081, and 8181 were busy, and ports 8082 and 8182 were free, then starting Payara Micro with the following command would have the HTTP port bind to 8082 and the HTTPS port bind to 8182:

java -jar payara-micro.jar --autoBindHttp --sslPort 8181 --autoBindSsl

Whereas the following would fail to start in the same situation because --autoBindRange is not large enough (no free port within the range of 8080-8081):

java -jar payara-micro.jar --port 8080 --autoBindHttp --sslPort 8181 --autoBindSsl --autoBindRange 1

Be aware that the auto-bind feature does not currently read port values from domain.xml files; if the --port and --sslPort options are not used, then the --autoBindHttp and --autoBindSsl options will assume that the HTTP and HTTPS ports will be at the default values of 8080 and 8181 respectively.

10. Running Asadmin Commands on Bootstrapped Instances

There are two methods available for running asadmin commands, both named run.

The first, run(String command, String... args ), runs the specified asadmin command on all instances in a runtime's cluster. It returns a Map<InstanceDescriptor, Future<ClusterCommandResult>>, as detailed in the appendices.

The second, run(Collection<InstanceDescriptor> members, String command, String... args ), runs the specified asadmin commond on all instances contained in the Collection supplied. It returns a Map of the same type as the other run method. You can use the

Examples on using the first and second methods can be seen in sections 4.2.2 and [](#4221-deploying-an-application-to multiple-bootstrapped-instances-programmatically) respectively. The first example shows one way in which you can construct a Collection containing a subset of the running instances in a cluster using the getClusteredPayara() method to get the InstanceDescriptor identifiers.

11. Running Callable Objects on Bootstrapped Instances

Like with running asadmin commands, there are two methods available for running Callable objects, both also named run.

The two methods also work in a similar way to the two asadmin run methods: the first, run(Callable<T> callable), runs the specified Callable on all instances in a runtime's cluster, and the second, run(Collection<InstanceDescriptor> members, Callable<T> callable), runs the Callable on a subset of the instances in a runtime's cluster. Both return a Map with a key/value type of <InstanceDescriptor, Future<T>>, where the type variable T is Serializable.

12. Firing and Listening for CDI Events

Payara Micro has the ability to listen for and fire CDI events across the cluster of a PayaraMicroRuntime instance.

You can view the methods associated with CDI Events in the appendices.

13. Appendices

13.1 Payara Micro Command Line Options

Configuration Option Description Default Value
--noCluster Disables clustering for this instance. false
--port Sets the HTTP port that the instance will bind to. 8080
--sslPort Sets the HTTPs port that the instance will bind to. If not set, has no value and HTTPS is disabled.
--mcAddress Sets the cluster multicast group for the instance.
--mcPort Sets the cluster multicast port. 2904
--startPort Sets the cluster start port number. 5900
--name Sets the instance name. Generated Universally Unique Identifier.
--rootDir Sets the root configuration directory and saves the configuration across restarts. If not set, has no value and defaults to the temp directory.
--deploymentDir Sets a directory which will be scanned for WAR files for auto-deployment. If not set, has no value and is not used.
--deploy Specifies a WAR file to deploy. If not set, has no value and is not used.
--domainConfig Overrides the server configuration with an alternative domain.xml file. If not set, the domain.xml contained in the Payara Micro JAR is used.
--minHttpThreads Sets the minimum number of threads in the HTTP thread pool. 10
--maxHttpThreads Sets the maximum number of threads in the HTTP thread pool. 10
--hzConfigFile Sets the Hazelcast configuration file to use for overriding the in-built Hazelcast cluster configuration. if not set, the in-built Hazelcast configuration file is used.
--autoBindHttp Enables auto-binding for the HTTP port false
--autoBindSsl Enables auto-binding for the HTTPS port false
--autoBindRange Sets the range for HTTP and HTTPS port auto-binding. 5
--help Displays the configuration options and then exits. If not set, this option is not used.

13.2 Payara Micro API

This section contains documentation on the Payara Micro API.

13.2.1 Configuration Methods

This section details the PayaraMicro.class configuration methods that are used during the bootstrap process.

Configuration Operand Description Get Method Set Method Default Value Command Line Equivalent
Alternate Domain XML Gets or sets the domain.xml used to override the default server configuration. File getAlternateDomainXML() PayaraMicro setAlternateDomainXML(File alternateDomainXML) null --domainConfig
Cluster Multicast Group Gets or sets the cluster multicast group for the instance. String getClusterMulticastGroup() PayaraMicro setClusterMulticastGroup(String hzMulticastGroup) null (Default value of set in default domain.xml is not read into instance variable) --mcAddress
Cluster Port Gets or sets the multicast cluster port. int getClusterPort() PayaraMicro setClusterPort(int hzPort) -2147483648 (MIN_VALUE) (Default value of 2904 set in default domain.xml is not read into instance variable) --mcPort
Cluster Start Port Gets or sets the start port number for the Payara Micro instance to listen on for cluster communications. int getClusterStartPort() PayaraMicro setClusterStartPort(int hzStartPort) -2147483648 (MIN_VALUE) (Default value of 5900 set in default configuration files is not read into instance variable) --startPort
Deployment Directory Gets or sets the directory to be scanned for archives to deploy. File getDeploymentDir() PayaraMicro setDeploymentDir(File deploymentRoot) null --deploymentDir
HTTP Port Gets or sets the HTTP port for the instance to bind to. int getHttpPort() PayaraMicro setHttpPort(int httpPort) -2147483648 (MIN_VALUE) (Default value of 8080 set in default domain.xml is not read into instance variable) --port
Instance Name Gets or sets the name of the instance. String getInstanceName() PayaraMicro setInstanceName(String instanceName) Generated Universally Unique Identifier. --name
Maximum HTTP Threads Gets or sets the maximum number of threads in the HTTP thread pool. int getMaxHttpThreads() PayaraMicro setMaxHttpThreads(int maxHttpThreads) -2147483648 (MIN_VALUE) (Default value of 10 set in default domain.xml is not read into instance variable) --maxHttpThreads
Minimum HTTP Threads Gets or sets the minimum number of threads in the HTTP thread pool. int getMinHttpThreads() PayaraMicro setMinHttpThreads(int minHttpThreads) -2147483648 (MIN_VALUE) (Default value of 10 set in default domain.xml is not read into instance variable) --minHttpThreads
Root Directory Gets or sets the root configuartion directory. File getRootDir() PayaraMicro setRootDir(File rootDir) null --rootDir
HTTPS Port Gets or sets the HTTPS port for the instance to bind to. A HTTPS port is not bound unless this value is manually set. int getSslPort() PayaraMicro setSslPort(int sslPort) -2147483648 (MIN_VALUE) (Default value of 8443 set in default domain.xml is not read into instance variable) --sslPort
No Clustering Gets or sets whether clustering is enabled or disabled for an instance. boolean isNoCluster() PayaraMicro setNoCluster(boolean noCluster) false
HTTP Auto-Binding Enables or Disables auto-binding of the HTTP port for an instance. boolean getHttpAutoBind() PayaraMicro setHttpAutoBind(boolean httpAutoBind) false --autoBindHttp
HTTPS Auto-Binding Enables or Disables auto-binding of the HTTPS port for an instance. boolean getSslAutoBind() PayaraMicro setSslAutoBind(boolean sslAutoBind) false --autoBindSsl
Auto-Bind Range Sets the range for HTTP and HTTPS port auto-binding. int getAutoBindRange() PayaraMicro setAutoBindRange(int autoBindRange) 5 --autoBindRange

13.2.2 Operation Methods

This section details the other methods of the Payara Micro API that operate Payara Micro instances. PayaraMicro.class methods are used during the bootstrap process, whereas PayaraMicroRuntime.class methods are used on running instances. Deployment Methods

This section details the methods used for the deployment of applications to Payara Micro instances. PayaraMicro.class Methods

Method | Description | Command Line Equivalent --- | --- | --- | --- PayaraMicro addDeployment(String pathToWar) | Adds the file found at the location of the pathToWar parameter to the list of files to be deployed upon starting the instance. | --deploy PayaraMicro addDeploymentFile(File file) | Adds the file associated with the file parameter to the list of files to be deployed upon starting the instance. | --deploy PayaraMicroRuntime.class Methods
Method Description
boolean deploy(String name, InputStream is) Deploys an application from an InputStream with the name specified.
boolean deploy(String name, String contextRoot, InputStream is) Deploys an application from an InputStream, with the specified name and context root.
boolean deploy(File war) Deploys the application located at the war parameter path.
boolean undeploy(String name) Un-deploys the specified application. Setup and Shutdown Methods

This section details the methods required for setting up Payara Micro instances. PayaraMicro.class Methods
Method Description
PayaraMicroRuntime bootStrap() throws BootstrapException Checks the supplied configuration parameters and starts a Payara Micro instance.
PayaraMicro getInstance() Obtains the static singleton instance of the Payara Micro server. If one does not exist, one will be created and returned.
PayaraMicro getInstance(boolean create) Obtains the static singleton instance of the Payara Micro server. If one does not exist and create is set to true, one will be created and returned, otherwise returns null.
void shutdown() throws BootstrapException Stops and shuts down the Payara Micro instance. PayaraMicroRuntime.class Methods
Method Description
void shutdown() throws BootstrapException Stops and shuts down the Payara Micro instance. CDI Methods

This section details the methods used for firing CDI Events across running instances.

Method Description
void addCDIEventListener(CDIEventListener listener) Adds a CDI Event Listener.
void removeCDIEventListener(CDIEventListener listener) Removes a CDI Event Listener.
void addClusterListener(PayaraClusterListener listener) Adds a Cluster Listener.
void removeClusterListener(PayaraClusterListener listener) Removes a Cluster Listener.
void publishCDIEvent(PayaraClusteredCDIEvent event) Publishes a CDI Event. Run Methods

This section details the methods used for running asadmin commands or Callable objects on bootstrapped instances.

Method Description
Map<InstanceDescriptor, Future<ClusterCommandResult>> run (String command, String... args ) Runs an asadmin command on all members of a Payara Micro Cluster.
Map<InstanceDescriptor, Future<ClusterCommandResult>> run (Collection<InstanceDescriptor> members, String command, String... args ) Runs an asadmin command on specified members of a Payara Micro Cluster.
<T extends Serializable> Map<InstanceDescriptor, Future<T>> run (Callable<T> callable) Runs a Callable object on all members of a Payara Micro Cluster.
<T extends Serializable> Map<InstanceDescriptor, Future<T>> run (Collection<InstanceDescriptor> members, Callable<T> callable) Runs a Callable object on specified members of a Payara Micro Cluster. Get Methods

This section details the methods used for getting information on running Payara Micro instances. For information on the Get methods of an un-bootstrapped instance, see the Configuration Methods section.

Method Description
Collection<InstanceDescriptor> getClusteredPayaras() Returns a collection of instance descriptors for all the Payara Micros instances in a cluster.
Collection<String> getDeployedApplicationNames() Returns the names of the deployed applications.
String getInstanceName() Returns the instance name.
InstanceDescriptor getLocalDescriptor() Returns the instance descriptor of the instance the method is run on.

13.2.3 Javadoc

The Javadoc for the most recent version of the Payara Micro API can be found here:

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