Full Version: https://github.com/PanCakeMan/FGS/blob/main/full.pdf
Covid-19: https://github.com/imdevskp/covid-19-india-data/
Movie: https://www2.helsinki.fi/en/researchgroups/unified-database-management-systems-udbm
- To identify node types, we integrate DBpedia Ontology for building movie data graph. Please see: http://wikidata.dbpedia.org/services-resources/ontology
Linkedin: Cosnet: Connecting heterogeneous social networks with local and global consist
Test Case example (DBpedia Movie):
Call Procedure: VF2Checker.runFGS or VF2Checker.runFGSStream.
Test cases are commented in the main function.
You can commment out to investigate the details.
Build graph (para 1: ontology of DBpedia file , para 2: Movie graph file, para 3: IMDB enrich data file ):
MovieDataGraph graph = new MovieDataGraph("newType.ttl", "mix.dbpedia.graph", "film.imdb.json");
Define constraints (two movie groups with range constraint [20,30]):
ArrayList<String> group = new ArrayList<>(); group.add("Comedy"); group.add("Action"); ArrayList<Rangepair> cc = new ArrayList<>(); cc.add(new Rangepair(20, 30)); cc.add(new Rangepair(20, 30));
Call proecedure (para 1: group (group), para 2: constraints(cc), para 3: hop(2), para 4: number of node in Vp(m=50), para 5: size of result pattern set (n=10))
checker.runFGS(group, cc, 2, 50,10);