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Getting started


Node.js 14+ is installed in the system.

If you don't have Node.js installed, or its version is smaller than 14, follow this guide to install it.

yarn is installed in the system as a package manager.

Yarn in an alternative package manager for Node.js. It needs to be installed separately. If you already have Node.js installed, run the following command to add Yarn:

npm install --global yarn


Clone the repo and init submodules with the actual docs:

git clone
cd blog

Install dependencies with:


Running blog

Now run one of the following commands:

  • yarn dev - will run development server for blog at localhost:3000/blog that will autorefresh pages in real time when you edit markdown documents.
  • yarn build - will build static production version.
  • yarn start - will display documentation built with npm run build at localhost:3000.

Development-related commands

  • yarn test – runs tests. Used on CI.
  • yarn lint – checks JS and TS files for errors and automatically fixes them.
  • yarn lint-check – checks JS and TS files for errors, but doesn't fix them. Checked in CI and on commit.
  • yarn typecheck – validates TypeScript type-related errors. Used on CI.
  • yarn build-node – builds configs and plugins for mdx.
  • yarn extract-article-covers - copy the image for the last five articles of the main page and the tag pages of the blog into a shared folder. This script will automatically run with the yarn build or yarn dev commands. To see new post cover in /blog or /blog/tags root page during development you have to restart development server (yarn dev).
  • yarn generate-rss – generates rss-feed for blog.
  • yarn generate-sitemap - generates sitemap for blog.

Creating a new article

  1. Create a new folder in the pages folder. The name of this folder will be part of the uri address for this article (slug). If you named the folder ssh-config, the address of this article will be

  2. If you have pictures in your article, then create a new folder inside the folder you created in the p.1 and name it assets. Put all the article related pictures inside of it..

  3. For the article create file index.mdx in the folder (p.1).

  4. At the very top of the article file index.mdx must be specified frontmatter - article meta-information. These fields are required for further work and displaying the new article in the blog.

  5. On the first line of the file index.mdx type ---. This will be the beginning of frontmatter section. Write the following lines below:

    • title is the name of the tab in the browser. Also title is displayed as the title in search results page while someone googling. If the title of the article (articleTitle) and the name of the tab are the same, you can specify only the title of the article. title
    • description - this is a short and clear summary of the page content. It lets search engines and users know what content is waiting for them on the page. Often search engines use the description as a short description (snippet) - which is visible in the search results page. Among other things, description appears in the list of articles on the main page of the blog and on pages filtered by tag (here and below - the list of articles). description
    • articleTitle is the title of the article on the article page. Also articleTitle is displayed as the title in the list of articles. frontmatter
    • date - is specified in the format YYYYY-MM-DD. Subsequently, this format is transformed into the desired format for the article card in the list of articles and for the page of the article itself.
    • author - the author of the article.
    • logo - the structure below:
       image: ./assets/passwordless@2x.png
       alt: Passwordless SSH
      Where image - a path to the image. Which will be displayed in the list of articles and under the title in the article.
    • tags - specify the tags, which can be associated with the article. According to these tags the user can filter articles in the blog. Tagging format: each tag is written on a new line and preceded by put a sign -.
       - teleport
       - security
       - engineering
    • layout: blogArticle - this field is used to form a general list of articles.
  6. After writing all the fields, type --- again on the next line. This will indicate the last line of frontmatter section.

  7. Here is an example of a complete fromtmatter frontmatter-example

  8. If you will have images in the article (other than the one you specified in logo), you will need to import a component for images. You may also need a quote or subscribe component. These imports are specified after frontmatter.

    • for an image import BlogImage from "components/BlogImage"; further use in the article:
        alt="architecture for aws iam multiple accounts"
      or if you need a picture with a caption
       <BlogImage alt="Cluster management screen" src="./assets/teleport-clusters-4.3.png"/>
         A new clusters management screen that allows users to search and manage clusters at scale. Previously this was a dropdown menu causing major UX issues
    • for a quote component import Quote from "components/Quote"; further use in the article:
       Can we host the ACME Net platform inside our customers’ AWS accounts?
      it will renders like: quote
    • for a subscribe component import { EmailSubscribeViolet } from "components/EmailSubscribe"; further use in the article:
       <EmailSubscribeViolet />
      it will renders like: email-subscribe
  9. To learn more about basic .md/.mdx syntax read these nice articles: