Repository for Team 51's submission to NTX Hackathon 2023.
The demo video can be found here.
All code was tested on a Ubuntu 20.04 machine running Python 3.10. Required packages can be installed through:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Reads serial EEG data from a configurable port and pickles the data for future use.
Recorded EEG signals used for hypothesis testing. These can be sub-divided as:
- record_*_focus.pkl: Baseline EEG activity.
- record_*_music_c.pkl: EEG activity when listening to music that the user likes.
- record_*_music_d.pkl: EEG activity when listening to music that the user does not like.
- record_sample*.pkl: EEG data of the user listening to various tracks.
Hypothesis testing under specific scenarios.
- Tests to determine an indicator feature.
- Compares User Ratings and our Hypothesis for different tracks
Music player with auto-recommender system based off of our indicator feature. Still a work in progress.
Hypothesis Testing results. These can be grouped as two types
plt*.png: Hypothesis and Track Testing outputs produced by
pb*.png: Correlation based indicator feature testing done using Backyard Brain's Spike Recorder.
In our intial testing, we used this plot to determine the beta-alpha energy ratio as a decent indicator function:
To verify our hypothesis, we compared different tracks, which matched our hypothesis:
The results for correlation tests can be found under the results folder.