to your root folder.
You will need to make the file executable. Let's assume that you have downloaded your file as startark.sh, you can then run in your terminal:
chmod +x ./startark.sh
chmod is a command for changing file's permissions, +x sets execute permissions (in this case for everybody) and finally you have your file name.
Command | Description |
-s | Starts / restarts server |
-u | Updates and starts server |
Variables | Description |
map="TheIsland" | Sellect your game server map |
SessionName="Praction" | Sellect your server name |
ServerPassword="PASW" | Set server password |
ServerAdminPassword="APASW" | Set server admin password |
Port="7777" | Set server port |
QueryPort="27015" | Set server query port |
MaxPlayers="20" | Set max players |
flags="-server -log" | Server flags |
serverFolder="" | Where is your main server files located |
shootergameFolder="" | Where is your shootergame located |
steamcmdFolder="" | Where is your steamcmd.sh installed |
Variables | Description |
pr="[Praction]" | Console prefix |
re="\033[1;31m" | Color red |
bl="\033[1;34m" | Color blue |
gr="\033[1;33m" | Color green |
rs="\033[0m" | Reset style |
screen="ark" | Screen name |
Variables | Description |
webhook_url="" | Discord webhook url |
thumbnail="" | Discord embed thumbnail |
avatar_url="" | Discord webhook avatar icon |
username="Praction" | Discord webhook name |
roleId="1234567890123456789" | Discord ping role |
channelId="1234567890123456789" | Discord channel id where is announcement sent |
colorRe="15158332" | Embed color red |
colorGr="3066993" | Embed color green |
Script doesnt check Ark Survival Evolved steam version.
- Add way to enable or disable webhook.
- Add command that creates server from scratch.
- Fix Ark steam version check.
- Add way to enable or disable server password.