A collection of data science projects that demonstrate proficiency in various tools, methods, and skills.
- GeoMapping: Analysis of US housing data using geospatial analysis and the MapBox API.
- ForecastingProphet: Prophet timeseries analysis and forecasting case study for an eCommerce company.
- CreditRiskClassification: Supervised learning model trained to analyze credit risk for a peer-to-peer FinTech lending company.
- AlgoTrading: Algo-trading bot optimized with LogisticRegression, RandomForest, and SVM algorithms.
- BlockchainLedger: A PyChain Ledger that allows financial institutions to conduct transactions and verify the ledger's integrity.
- SmartContract: A Smart Contract that automates the creation of joint savings account.
- PythonOOP: A FinTech loan qualification app that uses object oriented programming in Python3.
- SQL/Databases: Examples of executing and formulating SQL queries on simulated financial problems.
The hyperlinks take you to the live dashboards (DataPane) and applications (Streamlit) for sharing with non-technical teams.