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Simulator for GPU with Heterogeneous Memory Stack (HMS)

This repository contains the source code of modified Accel-sim used in the following paper, which proposes the Heterogeneous Memory Stack (HMS).

Jeongmin Hong, Sungjun Cho, Geonwoo Park, Wonhyuk Yang, Young-Ho Gong and Gwangsun Kim, "Bandwidth-Effective DRAM Cache for GPU s with Storage-Class Memory,", HPCA'24.
Arxiv link:
IEEE xplore:

How to install

Tested environment: CentOS 7, CUDA 10.1, GCC 7.3.0

  1. Set the environment variable, CUDA_INSTALL_PATH to the root directory of CUDA.
    export CUDA_INSTALL_PATH={path to CUDA}/cuda-10.1
  • If you do not set CUDA_INSTALL_PATH, you'll see the compilation error related to vector_types.h later.
  1. Source the located in the directory, gpu-simulator.
    cd gpu-simulator
  • This will automatically clone the gpgpusim_HMS repository from our git.
  1. Compile the source code
    cd gpu-simulator
    make clean && make -j31 2> error.txt

The binary file of accel-sim will be generated as gpu-simulator/bin/release/accel-sim.out.

How to run

The simulator requires three to run the simulation:

gpgpu-sim/ file is the script to run the simulation. This file automatically generates environment directories and files for the simulation.

The simulator supports the following memory designs:

  • HMS
  • HBM
  • PCM
  • HMS-BP (HMS without our two-level bypass policy)
  • HMS-BP-CTC (HMS-BP without the Configurable Tag Cache (CTC))

Above options can be set in the file. Below is the line to configure the memory design and its options:


To adjust the relative capacity of HBM compared to the memory footprint (R_HBM), modify the following line of the file:

export TARGET_FOOTPRINT_RATIO=75  # 75% of the workload's memory footprint can be in HBM (R_HBM = 75%)

The directory containing the trace of the target application should be specified in the file:

export TARGET_TRACE_DIR=$ACCELSIM_ROOT_DIR/gpgpu-sim/example_traces/color_maxmin_example/traces

In this repository, we provide only one example trace from kernel-1 of coloring_maxmin workload in the Pannotia benchmark suite (available at Trace files for other kernels can be generated using the tracer for Accel-sim (see Accel-sim-tracer). Accel-sim-tracer, based on the tracer provided by Accel-sim, records additional information such as cudaMalloc in the kernelslist.g file.

To generate the num_pages.txt file, which contains the number of pages for the target application, use the generate_pagetable.ipynb notebook. This notebook generates the num_pages.txt file from the trace files. Set the target_traces_dir variable in the generate_pagetable.ipynb notebook to the directory containing the trace files of the target application.

Finally, you can run the simulation as follows:

cd gpgpu-sim



Please cite our paper if you use our code for your work:

Bibtex entry:

 author={Hong, Jeongmin and Cho, Sungjun and Park, Geonwoo and Yang, Wonhyuk and Gong, Young-Ho and Kim, Gwangsun},
 booktitle={2024 IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA)}, 
 title={Bandwidth-Effective DRAM Cache for GPUs with Storage-Class Memory}, 