This repository is part of NSCoder Night Madrid Talk "tvOS vs iOS".
The repository include:
- Talk Slides.
- Initial Project UIKit
- Final Project UIKit
- Initial Project SwiftUI
- Final Project SwiftUI
The sample project is a simple app that has several focus challenges focus management we can find when deloping for tvOS . It contains a Tabbar with three controllers:
The final project UIKit show cases of:
Select preference to element to get focus.
Move the focus between 2 non-adjacent elements. (UIFocusGuide)
Converting a view to focusable.
Use of TVCardView.
Focus management in Collections.
Input test in tvOS and more .......
The final project SwiftUI show cases of:
Select preference to element to get focus. (@FocusState)
Move the focus between 2 non-adjacent elements. (FocusSection)
Converting a view to focusable.
Use of buttonStyle Card.
Focus management in Collections.
Extension for TopShelf (Sectioned, Carousel Actions, and Carousel Details.
Input test in tvOS, highlight hoverEffect and more .......
The app must be tested AppleTv
The api used is unsplash In order to test sample projects yout need an access key. Your can register and create a free new one on Join Unsplash
To test initial project just replace the placeholder in class UnsplashRequestBuilder of SPM UnsplashApi:
private letapiKeyUnplash = "UNSPLASH ACCESS KEY"
To test final sample project, the slides information maybe is useful. It contains explained each property and function used to focus management.
I'm a iOS, tvOS and MacOS freelance developer since 2011